Information about the applications our school uses.
Information about the applications our school uses.
Information about the applications our school uses.
Home > Year 6 Transition 2024 > School Apps
Please note: If your child is due to start school in September and you do not already have a child on roll at our school you will currently not be able to create a Satchel:One parent account. Codes to create parent accounts are issued once your child starts at FLHS in September.
Details for creating WisePay accounts will have been sent out to you via email but if you have not received this information please email our finance department: stating your child’s full name.
At Fred Longworth High School we use many applications which can be used by students, parents and carers. Below is a list of the applications that we make use of in Year 7 and a brief overview about their use and benefits.
The following applications are used by our students in school, and where mentioned, also have features that can be used by parents and carers.
Please note: With all of the applications listed below, your child will receive their login details in September.
Satchel:One is the school online learning platform for students and is the parental portal for all information related to your child’s overall progress within school.
As a parent or carer you can:
As a student using Satchel:One, your child can:
Our school provides every student with an email account which enables them to communicate with their class teachers. This email account can be accessed in school or at home by either using a web browser, or by using the Microsoft Outlook app which can be installed for free on their smartphone or tablet.
Our school uses the Microsoft Office suite of applications to aid with teaching and learning on all of our computers in school. As part of our licensing agreement, students are allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. By using their school Office 365 account Microsoft Office can be installed on up to five personal devices.
Office 365 can also be used and accessed via the web through a computers web browser, allowing students full access to the Office suite of applications, including their school email via Microsoft Outlook.
In conjunction with Microsoft’s cloud based storage solution, Microsoft OneDrive, our students are able to save their school work and then work on it at home through their school Office 365 account.
Used by our Maths department, MathsWatch is an online study platform to help students learn mathematics. MathsWatch can be accessed in both school and at home, and gives students access to tutorial videos with real exam questions.
Used exclusively by our English department, Reading Plus is an online reading programme that’s packed full of engaging texts for pupils to explore and enjoy.
It teaches silent reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary with software that meets each students individual reading level. Reading Plus supports good teaching first and provides ongoing help for every student – with actionable reports for teachers.
In conjunction with assigned homework set in Satchel One, students are given tasks to complete in Reading Plus and this application can be accessed from home using their student log in.
Accessit is used by our school library and is an online library system that allows our students to browse our inventory of available school books which can be borrowed and taken home, or read in our school library.
The system can be accessed either in school or outside via a web browser, with access given to every student when they start at our school.
You can visit our school library system by clicking on the button below.
The following applications are used by only parents and carers.
WisePay is a secure online school payments service, allowing parents and carers to make electronic payments for school meals and trips. With WisePay, you can top up your child’s account with money which allows them to pay for meals and snacks with credit. Money can be put on accounts by parents and carers logging in to our WisePay online payment portal and adding funds.
SchoolCloud is used by our school to book and manage parents’ evening and progress review appointments.
When these events are scheduled to take place, appointment slots will be made available to talk to your child’s teachers and you will be invited to make booking reservations with a time suitable for you. Instructions on how to use SchoolCloud will be sent out to parents and carers via email prior to events taking place.