Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Fred Longworth High School. I am proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of such a dynamic and forward-thinking school. Our aim is simple – to inspire all our students to achieve their best through “belonging, engaging and succeeding together”.

We ensure our students experience a truly great education; as a result, they flourish academically, shine personally and are prepared for a happy and successful adult life.

Not only do our team of highly dedicated staff work hard to ensure students achieve great academic standards, they are also fully committed to providing educational and extra-curricular experiences that support our students’ personal and social development. Each student is treated as a unique and valued individual and their talents and abilities are nurtured both within and outside the classroom.

We place an emphasis on high standards, a strong commitment to building good working relationships between staff and students and the excellent support we receive from parents. We constantly seek ways to foster a real sense of community spirit for students, parents and staff and our students thrive within this supportive environment.

I hope that our website gives you a flavour of what Fred Longworth High School has to offer. If you are a prospective parent, you are welcome to visit us to find out more about our wonderful school and how we achieve our success.

Mr P Davies

Headteacher's Presentation Slides

From presentation addressed to Parents and Carers of Year 6 students, 30th July 2022.

To download a copy of the slides from the presentation by Mr Davies, click on the button below.

Transition Letter

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that you are well.

Over the last few weeks I have visited all primary schools gathering information, talking to Y6 staff and putting children into form groups. Whilst this is a busy time of the year, it is great meeting all the Y6 teachers and finding out about our next intake of students – and I believe this year’s intake will be a very strong year group. I have also met all the students coming to us on their own or in very small groups and it has been lovely meeting these children.

Where possible I have tried to place all students in a form with at least one friend, and I have worked very closely with Y6 teachers in this process. I am sure you will appreciate that creating form groups is a complex process in order to devise forms which are mixed ability and have a good balance of a range of factors. Whilst I aim to make these groups as diverse as possible, there may be a few parents and children who may not be totally satisfied with the form that they have been allocated. If this is the case for you or your child, I would like you to work with us please and try to make this a success. However form groupings are provisional until the October half term break and if there are concerns after a few weeks of your child being at Freddie’s, please contact either Mrs Regan or myself. I will not, unless there are exceptional circumstances, be changing form groupings before the students start at Freddie’s.

Please also bear in mind that students are only in their form groupings for a relatively small proportion of their total time in school; for many of their lessons they will be taught in different groups and sets, not necessarily with their friends. There will be ample opportunity to mix with them every day at break and lunchtimes.

All students are invited to three ‘move-up days’.

North band students have their move-up days on Monday 20th June to Wednesday 22nd June.

South band have their move-up days on Thursday 23rd June to Monday 27th June.

Students must wear their primary school uniform, bringing with them a bag containing basic equipment – pen, pencil, ruler, plus training shoes and a drink of water/juice (no fizzy or energy drinks please) as they are likely to have a PE session as part of their timetabled 3 days. Students need to bring a packed lunch, or £2.50 to buy food and a drink.

Students need to arrive by 8.30am and should wait at the front of school where we will meet them. The days will finish at 3.00pm apart from students attending on Monday 27th June, in the South band, who will finish at 2.00pm just on that day.

Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up from Freddie’s at the front of school. Unfortunately, due to building work, there is no vehicle access down Printshop Lane and no parking areas on the school site.

In addition to this we are holding a Y6 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 30th June, from 6.30pm. On this evening key information will be presented and it is an important event for all our new parents – we hope that you will join us at this evening. We would like the students to attend this as they will have a further opportunity to meet their form tutor and the rest of their form group. The evening will finish around 8.00pm.

In the meantime if you have any questions regarding transition to Freddie’s, please do not hesitate to contact me via my email: whalleyj@flhs.wigan.sch.uk

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Whalley

Senior Deputy Headteacher

Summer School

Dear Parent/Carer

During the summer holidays and as part of our school’s transition programme, we are running a ‘Freddie’s’ Summer School, for students who are joining us from September. This is a multi-themed event incorporating English, Maths, Science, PE, Design & Technology and Drama. This will be an ideal opportunity for your child to meet some of the staff and teachers and to make new friends. Our aim is to make the Summer School as much fun as possible whilst having a focus on academic catch up.

North Band students:

  • Monday 26th July 9:15am – 2:15pm
  • Tuesday 27th July 9:30am – 2:15pm

South Band students:

  • Wednesday 28th July 9:15am – 2:15pm
  • Thursday 29th July 9:30am – 2:15pm

As you can appreciate, this kind of focused work is not always possible during the school year and is a great opportunity for your child to learn new skills, meet new friends and have fun. Food will be provided at break and lunch time, however, please bring along a drink of water or juice each day. Your child will also need to bring suitable footwear to take part in PE lessons.

It is imperative that your child obtains permission to be photographed before participating in the event. Please be aware that from time to time photographs of events may be posted on the Fred Longworth High School website, Twitter etc.

Please indicate, on the attached sheet, as to whether your child will be attending and that you consent to photographs being taken. Please return the reply slip during child’s move-up days.

If you require any further information, or clarification regarding Summer School then please email calcutts@flhs.wigan.sch.uk

Yours faithfully,

Mrs S Calcutt (Summer School Organiser/Deputy Head of Year 10)


A glimpse of what our school can offer your child.

Curriculum Vision

A curriculum which provides all students with the foundations of knowledge and skills to enable them to be lifelong learners and  a success in school and throughout their life. Furthermore, they will be equipped with an excellent understanding of the world around them so that they can make a positive contribution to their communities, whether that be local, national or international.

Our Faculties

Click on the options below to learn more.

Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts & Photography

Catering, Construction, Product Design, Systems Control & Textiles

Geography, Health & Social Care, History, Religious Studies & Sociology

Business Studies, Computing & iMedia

French & Spanish

Achieve Programme & PSHE

School Life

Information about life at Freddie's.

Life at Fred Longworth High School

Learn more about our school. Click on the options below to learn more.

Information about our dining facilities

Information about our Extra Curricular activities

Important information for cycling to school

Information about our Student Council

School Uniform

Information about our uniforms and where to buy them.

School Uniform Policy

We expect all students to wear the correct school uniform in the correct way. Students who arrive at school not wearing the correct uniform may be sent home to change.

  • Black blazer, with the school badge (compulsory).
  • A full length school tie with school badge visible, colour appropriate to year group.
  • A plain white cotton school shirt or blouse (without motifs) that must be tucked in at all times and with the top button fastened.
  • Approved black school trousers or dress, these should be obtained from our suppliers and should have the school logo on and in the correct place. From September 2022 skirts are not allowed to be worn. 
  • ‘V’ necked black jumper if desired – not to be worn as an alternative to the school blazer. Jumpers are not allowed to be worn in the summer term.
  • Plain black socks (no other colour or patterns are allowed) Plain black opaque tights must be worn with dresses.
  • During the summer term when the summer uniform is allowed, socks must be black and knee length. 
  • Sensible black school shoes with black laces. Trainers or trainer style, canvas, high heeled shoes are not allowed.  Plain black boots are allowed – however boots may only be worn with trousers and trousers must cover the full length of the boots. ** Additional guidance on acceptable footwear is available by clicking here, (or as a PDF file )**
  • A plain warm showerproof outdoor coat (NO leather, denim jackets, sweat shirt ‘hoodies’ or cardigans to be used as top coats).

Further Information

Click on the options below to learn more.

Information about our PE Uniform

List of required equipment for school

Contact details for our school uniform suppliers

Contact Information

Postal Address

Fred Longworth High School
Printshop Lane
M29 8JN

Transport and Directions

You can click here to search for bus timetables and routes or use this link to plan your journey by any form of public transport.

(Always check with the transport provider for latest timetables and travel news; this information is provided on a ‘best endeavours’ basis – see our legal notice and terms & conditions for more information).

If coming by car please note:

  • Much of Tyldesley, including main roads through and around the town centre and residential areas are now subject to 20mph speed limits
  • Use marked bays only.
  • There is a 5 mph speed limit on site.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and pedestrians have priority at all times.
  • Car parking on school grounds is limited and due to the volume of staff and visitors on site street parking is an alternative.
  • There is NO student pick up / drop off point within the school grounds.
  • When approaching by car access school from Castle Street / Tyldesley Road (landmark “ICELAND Store”) into Mill Street then onward to Printshop Lane, and not via Elliott Street / Squires Lane (this is often the entrance that Sat Nav devices bring you in to) as you will not be able to gain access this way. For Sat Nav directions that will take you directly to the front entrance of school, click here.

Copyright © 2022 Fred Longworth High School.

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Fred Longworth High School. I am proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of such a dynamic and forward-thinking school. Our aim is simple – to inspire all our students to achieve their best through “belonging, engaging and succeeding together”.

We ensure our students experience a truly great education; as a result, they flourish academically, shine personally and are prepared for a happy and successful adult life.

Not only do our team of highly dedicated staff work hard to ensure students achieve great academic standards, they are also fully committed to providing educational and extra-curricular experiences that support our students’ personal and social development. Each student is treated as a unique and valued individual and their talents and abilities are nurtured both within and outside the classroom.

We place an emphasis on high standards, a strong commitment to building good working relationships between staff and students and the excellent support we receive from parents. We constantly seek ways to foster a real sense of community spirit for students, parents and staff and our students thrive within this supportive environment.

I hope that our website gives you a flavour of what Fred Longworth High School has to offer. If you are a prospective parent, you are welcome to visit us to find out more about our wonderful school and how we achieve our success.

Mr P Davies

Headteacher's Presentation Slides

From presentation addressed to Parents and Carers of Year 6 students, 30th July 2022.

To download a copy of the slides from the presentation by Mr Davies, click on the button below.

Transition Letter

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that you are well.

Over the last few weeks I have visited all primary schools gathering information, talking to Y6 staff and putting children into form groups. Whilst this is a busy time of the year, it is great meeting all the Y6 teachers and finding out about our next intake of students – and I believe this year’s intake will be a very strong year group. I have also met all the students coming to us on their own or in very small groups and it has been lovely meeting these children.

Where possible I have tried to place all students in a form with at least one friend, and I have worked very closely with Y6 teachers in this process. I am sure you will appreciate that creating form groups is a complex process in order to devise forms which are mixed ability and have a good balance of a range of factors. Whilst I aim to make these groups as diverse as possible, there may be a few parents and children who may not be totally satisfied with the form that they have been allocated. If this is the case for you or your child, I would like you to work with us please and try to make this a success. However form groupings are provisional until the October half term break and if there are concerns after a few weeks of your child being at Freddie’s, please contact either Mrs Regan or myself. I will not, unless there are exceptional circumstances, be changing form groupings before the students start at Freddie’s.

Please also bear in mind that students are only in their form groupings for a relatively small proportion of their total time in school; for many of their lessons they will be taught in different groups and sets, not necessarily with their friends. There will be ample opportunity to mix with them every day at break and lunchtimes.

All students are invited to three ‘move-up days’.

North band students have their move-up days on Monday 20th June to Wednesday 22nd June.

South band have their move-up days on Thursday 23rd June to Monday 27th June.

Students must wear their primary school uniform, bringing with them a bag containing basic equipment – pen, pencil, ruler, plus training shoes and a drink of water/juice (no fizzy or energy drinks please) as they are likely to have a PE session as part of their timetabled 3 days. Students need to bring a packed lunch, or £2.50 to buy food and a drink.

Students need to arrive by 8.30am and should wait at the front of school where we will meet them. The days will finish at 3.00pm apart from students attending on Monday 27th June, in the South band, who will finish at 2.00pm just on that day.

Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up from Freddie’s at the front of school. Unfortunately, due to building work, there is no vehicle access down Printshop Lane and no parking areas on the school site.

In addition to this we are holding a Y6 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 30th June, from 6.30pm. On this evening key information will be presented and it is an important event for all our new parents – we hope that you will join us at this evening. We would like the students to attend this as they will have a further opportunity to meet their form tutor and the rest of their form group. The evening will finish around 8.00pm.

In the meantime if you have any questions regarding transition to Freddie’s, please do not hesitate to contact me via my email: whalleyj@flhs.wigan.sch.uk

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Whalley

Senior Deputy Headteacher

Summer School

Dear Parent/Carer

During the summer holidays and as part of our school’s transition programme, we are running a ‘Freddie’s’ Summer School, for students who are joining us from September. This is a multi-themed event incorporating English, Maths, Science, PE, Design & Technology and Drama. This will be an ideal opportunity for your child to meet some of the staff and teachers and to make new friends. Our aim is to make the Summer School as much fun as possible whilst having a focus on academic catch up.

North Band students:

  • Monday 26th July 9:15am – 2:15pm
  • Tuesday 27th July 9:30am – 2:15pm

South Band students:

  • Wednesday 28th July 9:15am – 2:15pm
  • Thursday 29th July 9:30am – 2:15pm

As you can appreciate, this kind of focused work is not always possible during the school year and is a great opportunity for your child to learn new skills, meet new friends and have fun. Food will be provided at break and lunch time, however, please bring along a drink of water or juice each day. Your child will also need to bring suitable footwear to take part in PE lessons.

It is imperative that your child obtains permission to be photographed before participating in the event. Please be aware that from time to time photographs of events may be posted on the Fred Longworth High School website, Twitter etc.

Please indicate, on the attached sheet, as to whether your child will be attending and that you consent to photographs being taken. Please return the reply slip during child’s move-up days.

If you require any further information, or clarification regarding Summer School then please email calcutts@flhs.wigan.sch.uk

Yours faithfully,

Mrs S Calcutt (Summer School Organiser/Deputy Head of Year 10)


A glimpse of what our school can offer your child.

Curriculum Vision

A curriculum which provides all students with the foundations of knowledge and skills to enable them to be lifelong learners and  a success in school and throughout their life. Furthermore, they will be equipped with an excellent understanding of the world around them so that they can make a positive contribution to their communities, whether that be local, national or international.

Our Faculties

Click on the options below to learn more.

Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts & Photography

Catering, Construction, Product Design, Systems Control & Textiles

Geography, Health & Social Care, History, Religious Studies & Sociology

Business Studies, Computing & iMedia

French & Spanish

Achieve Programme & PSHE

School Life

Information about life at Freddie's.

Life at Fred Longworth High School

Life at Fred Longworth High School. Click on the options below to learn more.

Information about our dining facilities

Information about our Extra Curricular activities

Important information for cycling to school

Information about our Student Council

School Uniform

Information about our uniforms and where to buy them.

School Uniform Policy

We expect all students to wear the correct school uniform in the correct way. Students who arrive at school not wearing the correct uniform may be sent home to change.

  • Black blazer, with the school badge (compulsory).
  • A full length school tie with school badge visible, colour appropriate to year group.
  • A plain white cotton school shirt or blouse (without motifs) that must be tucked in at all times and with the top button fastened.
  • Approved black school trousers or dress, these should be obtained from our suppliers and should have the school logo on and in the correct place. From September 2022 skirts are not allowed to be worn. 
  • ‘V’ necked black jumper if desired – not to be worn as an alternative to the school blazer. Jumpers are not allowed to be worn in the summer term.
  • Plain black socks (no other colour or patterns are allowed) Plain black opaque tights must be worn with dresses.
  • During the summer term when the summer uniform is allowed, socks must be black and knee length. 
  • Sensible black school shoes with black laces. Trainers or trainer style, canvas, high heeled shoes are not allowed.  Plain black boots are allowed – however boots may only be worn with trousers and trousers must cover the full length of the boots. ** Additional guidance on acceptable footwear is available by clicking here, (or as a PDF file )**
  • A plain warm showerproof outdoor coat (NO leather, denim jackets, sweat shirt ‘hoodies’ or cardigans to be used as top coats).

Further Information

Click on the options below to learn more.

Information about our PE Uniform

List of required equipment for school

Contact details for our school uniform suppliers

Contact and Directions

Postal Address

Fred Longworth High School
Printshop Lane
M29 8JN

Transport and Directions

You can click here to search for bus timetables and routes or use this link to plan your journey by any form of public transport.

(Always check with the transport provider for latest timetables and travel news; this information is provided on a ‘best endeavours’ basis – see our legal notice and terms & conditions for more information).

If coming by car please note:

  • Much of Tyldesley, including main roads through and around the town centre and residential areas are now subject to 20mph speed limits
  • Use marked bays only.
  • There is a 5 mph speed limit on site.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and pedestrians have priority at all times.
  • Car parking on school grounds is limited and due to the volume of staff and visitors on site street parking is an alternative.
  • There is NO student pick up / drop off point within the school grounds.
  • When approaching by car access school from Castle Street / Tyldesley Road (landmark “ICELAND Store”) into Mill Street then onward to Printshop Lane, and not via Elliott Street / Squires Lane (this is often the entrance that Sat Nav devices bring you in to) as you will not be able to gain access this way. For Sat Nav directions that will take you directly to the front entrance of school, click here.

Copyright © 2022 Fred Longworth High School.