Open Evening 2022 Guide

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Fred Longworth High School. I am proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of such a dynamic and forward-thinking school. Our aim is simple – to inspire all our students to achieve their best through “belonging, engaging and succeeding together”.

We ensure our students experience a truly great education; as a result, they flourish academically, shine personally and are prepared for a happy and successful adult life.

Not only do our team of highly dedicated staff work hard to ensure students achieve great academic standards, they are also fully committed to providing educational and extra-curricular experiences that support our students’ personal and social development. Each student is treated as a unique and valued individual and their talents and abilities are nurtured both within and outside the classroom.

We place an emphasis on high standards, a strong commitment to building good working relationships between staff and students and the excellent support we receive from parents. We constantly seek ways to foster a real sense of community spirit for students, parents and staff and our students thrive within this supportive environment.

I hope that our website gives you a flavour of what Fred Longworth High School has to offer. If you are a prospective parent, you are welcome to visit us to find out more about our wonderful school and how we achieve our success.

Mr P Davies

Headteacher's Presentation Slides

From presentation addressed to Parents and Carers of  students, 22nd September 2022.

To download a copy of the slides from the presentation by Mr Davies, click on the button below.

Our School

About our School

Click on the options below to learn more.

Our Aims

‘By working together, we enable everyone to experience success, and fulfil their potential within a caring and effective learning environment’

The School

Serving the community of Tyldesley since 1964, Fred Longworth High School has a long history.

Sir Fred Longworth

Miner, Union Secretary and Local Councillor. Read about the man who our school is named after.

School Redevelopment

Out with old, in with the new. Our new school, due to open for the start of the 2022/23 academic year.


A glimpse of what our school can offer your child.

Curriculum Vision

A curriculum which provides all students with the foundations of knowledge and skills to enable them to be lifelong learners and  a success in school and throughout their life. Furthermore, they will be equipped with an excellent understanding of the world around them so that they can make a positive contribution to their communities, whether that be local, national or international.

Our Faculties

Click on the options below to learn more.

Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts & Photography

Catering, Construction, Product Design, Systems Control & Textiles

Geography, Health & Social Care, History, Religious Studies & Sociology

Achieve Programme & PSHE


The Inclusion Centres offers support to EVERYONE who needs it. Whether it be academic or mental health support we offer bespoke programmes to meet the needs of our students.

The main purpose is to remove barriers in:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognitive and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and or/physical needs

School Life

Information about life at Freddie's.

Life at Fred Longworth High School

Learn more about our school. Click on the options below to learn more.

Developing students character with our BEST values

Activities, roles and responsibilities at FLHS designed to develop leadership qualities

Information about our Extra Curricular activities

Information about our Student Council

Information about our dining facilities


Information about how to apply to join our school.

Admissions Letter from the Headteacher

To download a copy of this letter, click here.  

Dear Parent 

Welcome to Fred Longworth High School. I hope that you have an enjoyable evening and that you have the chance to chat to some of our students about what life is like at our school. 

Many of you will be anxious about the choice that you make over the next few weeks. Fortunately, there are several good schools within our local area and, whilst we believe that we are the best, the final decision will be about the choosing the school that best suits your child. 

Past experience suggests that many of your questions tonight will be about admissions. There are always parents who are worried about whether their child will or will not be successful in gaining a place here and that, if they choose Fred Longworth as first choice and are not successful in their application because we are over-subscribed, they will damage their chances of being accepted at their second choice school. 

I must stress that this is absolutely not the case. Admissions are strictly controlled by the Local Authority and success depends entirely on how far a child meets the over-subscription criteria for each school. A school must not consider whether the parent has placed it as first, second or third choice if a child meets its over-subscription criteria. My advice is that if you want your child to come to Fred Longworth, you should indicate that we are your first choice, as the Local Authority try to place children in their first choice school if possible. If your application is unsuccessful, you will not be disadvantaged at your second and third choice schools. For reference, the admissions criteria is attached. 

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions. In the meantime, enjoy the evening and I hope that this is the start of a long and successful partnership between you and Fred Longworth High School. 

Yours sincerely 

Mr P Davies 



  1. Children in Public Care. 
  2. Children with brothers or sisters who will be attending the school at the time of admission. 
  3. Children living in Mosley Common and Tyldesley, situated to the north of Manchester Road (Astley) and Chaddock Lane, to its junction with the East Lancashire Road, and thereafter the East Lancashire Road, with the exception of children who live nearer to Bedford High School than Fred Longworth High School, and children living in that part of Hindsford bounded to the east by the former Borough and Urban District Boundary and bounded to the north by the northerly access road to the Chanters Industrial Estate and Tyldesley Old Road to its junction with Millers Lane and bounded to the west by Millers Lane to its junction with Langley Platt Lane and the former Borough and Urban District Boundary. A map detailing the boundaries is available on the school website under Admissions.
  4. Children who live in Atherton and Tyldesley who attend one of the following associated primary schools: Tyldesley Primary School; Garrett Hall; St John’s Mosley Common; St George’s Central Tyldesley; St Stephen’s Astley; Chowbent; Hindsford CE; St Phillip’s Atherton; Parklee. 
  5. Children living in the remainder of Tyldesley and the remainder of Atherton. 
  6. Other children living nearest to the school. 

Admissions Information

Admission Numbers

  • 2019/20: 255
  • 2020/21: 255
  • 2021/22: 255

Age Range

Where the school receives more applications than places available, the following admission criteria will be applied once places have been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.

Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Applications for previously looked after children must be supported with appropriate evidence i.e. a copy of the adoption order, residence order or special guardianship order.

2. Children with brothers or sisters who will be attending the school at the time of admission.

3. Children living in Mosley Common and Tyldesley, situated to the north of Manchester Road (Astley) and Chaddock Lane, to its junction with the East Lancashire Road, and thereafter the East Lancashire Road, with the exception of children who live nearer to Bedford High School than Fred Longworth High School, and children living in that part of Hindsford bounded to the east by the former Borough and Urban District Boundary and bounded to the north by the northerly access road to the Chanters Industrial Estate and Tyldesley Old Road to its junction with Millers Lane and bounded to the west by Millers Lane to its junction with Langley Platt Lane and the former Borough and Urban District Boundary.  View this map for assistance in determining whether you are within the boundary (marked in black).

4. Children who live in Atherton and Tyldesley who attend one of the following associated primary schools:

Tyldesley Primary School; Garrett Hall; St John’s Mosley Common; St George’s Central Tyldesley; St Stephen’s Astley; Chowbent; Hindsford CE; St Phillip’s Atherton and Parklee

5. Children living in the remainder of Tyldesley and the remainder of Atherton.

6. Other children living nearest to the school

Brother and Sisters

We will include half-brothers and half-sisters; stepbrothers and stepsisters; and foster brothers and foster sisters who live at the same address as part of the same family unit.

Late Applications

Late applications (those received after the closing date) will only be considered after those received by the closing date. The only exception to this is applications for looked after children that are received by 30 November will be included with on time applications.

Waiting lists

Places may become available at the school after the offer date. We will:

  • Place all children refused a place on the waiting list for the school;
  • Keep the list in priority order, decided by the oversubscription criteria for the school only;
  • Offer any place that becomes available to the next child on the waiting list; and
  • Maintain the waiting list until the end of the autumn term.

(We cannot take into account the length of time a child’s name has been on the waiting list, only the admission criteria for the school. This means that your child’s position on the list may change if another parent asks to be put on the list and their child has higher priority in the oversubscription criteria).

Further information

For more detailed information about our admissions procedure, click here.

Contact Information

Postal Address

Fred Longworth High School
Printshop Lane
M29 8JN

Transport and Directions

You can click here to search for bus timetables and routes or use this link to plan your journey by any form of public transport.

(Always check with the transport provider for latest timetables and travel news; this information is provided on a ‘best endeavours’ basis – see our legal notice and terms & conditions for more information).

If coming by car please note:

  • Much of Tyldesley, including main roads through and around the town centre and residential areas are now subject to 20mph speed limits
  • Use marked bays only.
  • There is a 5 mph speed limit on site.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and pedestrians have priority at all times.
  • Car parking on school grounds is limited and due to the volume of staff and visitors on site street parking is an alternative.
  • There is NO student pick up / drop off point within the school grounds.
  • When approaching by car access school from Castle Street / Tyldesley Road (landmark “ICELAND Store”) into Mill Street then onward to Printshop Lane, and not via Elliott Street / Squires Lane (this is often the entrance that Sat Nav devices bring you in to) as you will not be able to gain access this way. For Sat Nav directions that will take you directly to the front entrance of school, click here.

Copyright © 2022 Fred Longworth High School.

Open Evening 2022 Guide

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Fred Longworth High School. I am proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of such a dynamic and forward-thinking school. Our aim is simple – to inspire all our students to achieve their best through “belonging, engaging and succeeding together”.

We ensure our students experience a truly great education; as a result, they flourish academically, shine personally and are prepared for a happy and successful adult life.

Not only do our team of highly dedicated staff work hard to ensure students achieve great academic standards, they are also fully committed to providing educational and extra-curricular experiences that support our students’ personal and social development. Each student is treated as a unique and valued individual and their talents and abilities are nurtured both within and outside the classroom.

We place an emphasis on high standards, a strong commitment to building good working relationships between staff and students and the excellent support we receive from parents. We constantly seek ways to foster a real sense of community spirit for students, parents and staff and our students thrive within this supportive environment.

I hope that our website gives you a flavour of what Fred Longworth High School has to offer. If you are a prospective parent, you are welcome to visit us to find out more about our wonderful school and how we achieve our success.

Mr P Davies

Headteacher's Presentation Slides

From presentation addressed to Parents and Carers of students, 22nd September 2022.

To download a copy of the slides from the presentation by Mr Davies, click on the button below.

Our School

About our School

Click on the options below to learn more.

Our Aims

‘By working together, we enable everyone to experience success, and fulfil their potential within a caring and effective learning environment’

The School

Serving the community of Tyldesley since 1964, Fred Longworth High School has a long history.

Sir Fred Longworth

Miner, Union Secretary and Local Councillor. Read about the man who our school is named after.

School Redevelopment

Out with old, in with the new. Our new school, due to open for the start of the 2022/23 academic year.


A glimpse of what our school can offer your child.

Curriculum Vision

A curriculum which provides all students with the foundations of knowledge and skills to enable them to be lifelong learners and  a success in school and throughout their life. Furthermore, they will be equipped with an excellent understanding of the world around them so that they can make a positive contribution to their communities, whether that be local, national or international.

Our Faculties

Click on the options below to learn more.

Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts & Photography

Catering, Construction, Product Design, Systems Control & Textiles

Geography, Health & Social Care, History, Religious Studies & Sociology

Computing & iMedia

French & Spanish

Achieve Programme & PSHE


The Inclusion Centres offers support to EVERYONE who needs it. Whether it be academic or mental health support we offer bespoke programmes to meet the needs of our students.

The main purpose is to remove barriers in:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognitive and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and or/physical needs

School Life

Information about life at Freddie's.

Life at Fred Longworth High School

Life at Fred Longworth High School. Click on the options below to learn more.

Developing students character with our BEST values

Activities, roles and responsibilities at FLHS designed to develop leadership qualities

Information about our Extra Curricular activities

Information about our Student Council

Information about our dining facilities


Information about how to apply to join our school.

Admissions Letter from the Headteacher

To download a copy of this letter, click here.  

Dear Parent 

Welcome to Fred Longworth High School. I hope that you have an enjoyable evening and that you have the chance to chat to some of our students about what life is like at our school. 

Many of you will be anxious about the choice that you make over the next few weeks. Fortunately, there are several good schools within our local area and, whilst we believe that we are the best, the final decision will be about the choosing the school that best suits your child. 

Past experience suggests that many of your questions tonight will be about admissions. There are always parents who are worried about whether their child will or will not be successful in gaining a place here and that, if they choose Fred Longworth as first choice and are not successful in their application because we are over-subscribed, they will damage their chances of being accepted at their second choice school.

I must stress that this is absolutely not the case. Admissions are strictly controlled by the Local Authority and success depends entirely on how far a child meets the over-subscription criteria for each school. A school must not consider whether the parent has placed it as first, second or third choice if a child meets its over-subscription criteria. My advice is that if you want your child to come to Fred Longworth, you should indicate that we are your first choice, as the Local Authority try to place children in their first choice school if possible. If your application is unsuccessful, you will not be disadvantaged at your second and third choice schools. For reference, the admissions criteria is attached. 

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions. In the meantime, enjoy the evening and I hope that this is the start of a long and successful partnership between you and Fred Longworth High School. 

Yours sincerely 

Mr P Davies 



  1. Children in Public Care. 
  2. Children with brothers or sisters who will be attending the school at the time of admission. 
  3. Children living in Mosley Common and Tyldesley, situated to the north of Manchester Road (Astley) and Chaddock Lane, to its junction with the East Lancashire Road, and thereafter the East Lancashire Road, with the exception of children who live nearer to Bedford High School than Fred Longworth High School, and children living in that part of Hindsford bounded to the east by the former Borough and Urban District Boundary and bounded to the north by the northerly access road to the Chanters Industrial Estate and Tyldesley Old Road to its junction with Millers Lane and bounded to the west by Millers Lane to its junction with Langley Platt Lane and the former Borough and Urban District Boundary. A map detailing the boundaries is available on the school website under Admissions.
  4. Children who live in Atherton and Tyldesley who attend one of the following associated primary schools: Tyldesley Primary School; Garrett Hall; St John’s Mosley Common; St George’s Central Tyldesley; St Stephen’s Astley; Chowbent; Hindsford CE; St Phillip’s Atherton; Parklee. 
  5. Children living in the remainder of Tyldesley and the remainder of Atherton. 
  6. Other children living nearest to the school. 

Admissions Information

Admission Numbers

  • 2019/20: 255
  • 2020/21: 255
  • 2021/22: 255

Age Range

Where the school receives more applications than places available, the following admission criteria will be applied once places have been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.

Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Applications for previously looked after children must be supported with appropriate evidence i.e. a copy of the adoption order, residence order or special guardianship order.

2. Children with brothers or sisters who will be attending the school at the time of admission.

3. Children living in Mosley Common and Tyldesley, situated to the north of Manchester Road (Astley) and Chaddock Lane, to its junction with the East Lancashire Road, and thereafter the East Lancashire Road, with the exception of children who live nearer to Bedford High School than Fred Longworth High School, and children living in that part of Hindsford bounded to the east by the former Borough and Urban District Boundary and bounded to the north by the northerly access road to the Chanters Industrial Estate and Tyldesley Old Road to its junction with Millers Lane and bounded to the west by Millers Lane to its junction with Langley Platt Lane and the former Borough and Urban District Boundary.  View this map for assistance in determining whether you are within the boundary (marked in black).

4. Children who live in Atherton and Tyldesley who attend one of the following associated primary schools:

Tyldesley Primary School; Garrett Hall; St John’s Mosley Common; St George’s Central Tyldesley; St Stephen’s Astley; Chowbent; Hindsford CE; St Phillip’s Atherton and Parklee

5. Children living in the remainder of Tyldesley and the remainder of Atherton.

6. Other children living nearest to the school

Brother and Sisters

We will include half-brothers and half-sisters; stepbrothers and stepsisters; and foster brothers and foster sisters who live at the same address as part of the same family unit.

Late Applications

Late applications (those received after the closing date) will only be considered after those received by the closing date. The only exception to this is applications for looked after children that are received by 30 November will be included with on time applications.

Waiting lists

Places may become available at the school after the offer date. We will:

  • Place all children refused a place on the waiting list for the school;
  • Keep the list in priority order, decided by the oversubscription criteria for the school only;
  • Offer any place that becomes available to the next child on the waiting list; and
  • Maintain the waiting list until the end of the autumn term.

(We cannot take into account the length of time a child’s name has been on the waiting list, only the admission criteria for the school. This means that your child’s position on the list may change if another parent asks to be put on the list and their child has higher priority in the oversubscription criteria).

Further information

For more detailed information about our admissions procedure, click here.

Contact and Directions

Postal Address

Fred Longworth High School
Printshop Lane
M29 8JN

Transport and Directions

You can click here to search for bus timetables and routes or use this link to plan your journey by any form of public transport.

(Always check with the transport provider for latest timetables and travel news; this information is provided on a ‘best endeavours’ basis – see our legal notice and terms & conditions for more information).

If coming by car please note:

  • Much of Tyldesley, including main roads through and around the town centre and residential areas are now subject to 20mph speed limits
  • Use marked bays only.
  • There is a 5 mph speed limit on site.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and pedestrians have priority at all times.
  • Car parking on school grounds is limited and due to the volume of staff and visitors on site street parking is an alternative.
  • There is NO student pick up / drop off point within the school grounds.
  • When approaching by car access school from Castle Street / Tyldesley Road (landmark “ICELAND Store”) into Mill Street then onward to Printshop Lane, and not via Elliott Street / Squires Lane (this is often the entrance that Sat Nav devices bring you in to) as you will not be able to gain access this way. For Sat Nav directions that will take you directly to the front entrance of school, click here.

Copyright © 2022 Fred Longworth High School.