Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Things to celebrate

  • It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at our Y7 Parents’ Evening on Thursday with brilliant discussions had about students’ learning and progress.
  • We would like to congratulate our Year 11 students for their attendance at the many revision classes held during the Easter Holiday.
  • We are thrilled to announce that Freddie’s Brass Band had a very exciting Easter holiday experiencing a day filming on set as part of the new Take That movie ‘Greatest Days’. They will be starring in the film which will be released next year… and perhaps appearing on the red carpet at the premiere.
  • Students enjoyed a trip to see the  legendary ‘Les Miserables’ performed in Manchester and starring our very own ex-student, Adam Boardman.

School Reminders

  • Year 10 Examinations

    Year 10 examinations week will take place week commencing 25th April

  • May Bank Holiday

    Monday 2nd May is a Bank Holiday and school will be shut and reopen on Tuesday 3rd May.

  • Year 10 Parents' Evening

    Year 10 Parents' evening will take place in school 12th May 4.30-7.30pm

  • General Reminder

    Can we please remind all parents and carers of our uniform standards. We are very proud of the high standards of students’ appearance at Freddie’s and we would really appreciate your support in ensuring that students who opt to wear skirts do so at the required length and do not roll them up.

For further details on our uniform policy, click here.

For more information on school events and term dates, click here.

School Reminders

  • Year 10 Examinations

    Year 10 examinations week will take place week commencing 25th April

  • May Bank Holiday

    Monday 2nd May is a Bank Holiday and school will be shut and reopen on Tuesday 3rd May.

  • Year 10 Parents' Evening

    Year 10 Parents' evening will take place in school 12th May 4.30-7.30pm

  • General Reminder

    Can we please remind all parents and carers of our uniform standards. We are very proud of the high standards of students’ appearance at Freddie’s and we would really appreciate your support in ensuring that students who opt to wear skirts do so at the required length and do not roll them up.

For further details on our uniform policy, click here.

For more information on school events and term dates, click here.

Homework and Self-directed study

This week, we’d like to share another of our homework strands: ‘Pod it’.

GCSEPod- An extensive study support platform which provides students with access to additional GCSE content to their learning including film clips, assessment materials linked to specific subjects and topics. The pods are linked to most subjects and key topics and is proving invaluable to students as they revise. This platform is shared with all of our KS4 students but can also be used lower down the school for some subject areas and to consolidate learning.

For further information on how to access GCSEPod please visit our website.

Homework Club

Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday where they can complete work in a quiet environment with staff on hand to support them.

Personal Development

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character, we will be focusing on positivity and the power of positive thinking, helping students to consider how they can be even more effective learners with increased self-belief and confidence. Key information on ways to feel more positive is included below.

Please access this link for key information on positivity and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Personal Development

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character, we will be focusing on positivity and the power of positive thinking, helping students to consider how they can be even more effective learners with increased self-belief and confidence. Key information on ways to feel more positive is included below.

Please access this link for key information on positivity and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Message from the Headteacher

I hope you and your families have had a pleasant Easter break and students are ready for their final term of the school year. Thank you for your support following my letter to parents regarding the two TikTok accounts and hurtful content contained within. Please monitor your child’s usage and help us to maintain the high standards of which we are very proud.  The letter about this has been emailed out to all parents and carers and we would be grateful of you reading it in full.

Mr Davies.