Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Things to celebrate

  • Raising a fantastic £345 towards their prom, Year 11 students competed in students vs. staff football. The final score was 2-1 to the staff and, miraculously, there were no broken bones!
  • Our Y10 GCSE Drama students took part in a highly successful workshop with the theatre company, ‘The Paper Birds’.
  • Some of our Year 7 students represented Tyldesley Rugby Union Club in Somerset over the weekend, competing in several tough matches and winning the final. Well done!
  • Finally, Luke Bullock from Year 9 who became European WKO K-1 Kickboxing Champion. Congratulations Luke!

School Reminders

  • Year 10 Parents' Evening

    Year 10 Parents’ Evening will take place in school from 4.30 - 7.30pm on Thursday 12th May.

  • School Access

    Due to the current building work, we ask parents not to drive down Printshop Lane with the only exception being those who need to drop off or pick up disabled students or those with medical needs.

  • General Reminder

    Make up and fake tan are not allowed in school. We are becoming increasingly concerned with the number of students that we are having to speak to each morning about the same issue. We would appreciate your support in ensuring that your child does not apply fake tan or make up for school.

For further details on our uniform policy, click here.

For more information on school events and term dates, click here.

School Reminders

  • Year 10 Parents' Evening

    Year 10 Parents’ Evening will take place in school from 4.30 - 7.30pm on Thursday 12th May.

  • School Access

    Due to the current building work, we ask parents not to drive down Printshop Lane with the only exception being those who need to drop off or pick up disabled students or those with medical needs.

  • General Reminder

    Make up and fake tan are not allowed in school. We are becoming increasingly concerned with the number of students that we are having to speak to each morning about the same issue. We would appreciate your support in ensuring that your child does not apply fake tan or make up for school.

For further details on our uniform policy, click here.

For more information on school events and term dates, click here.

Homework and Self-directed study

This week we would like to share a few ways in which parents and carers can support their children with homework. The following strategies will help students to check their homework list and hit upcoming deadlines:

  • Asking your child if they have been set any homework on ‘Satchel One’, prompting them to check this daily. (Parents and carers can check ‘Satchel One’ for homework notifications).
  • Discussing homework with your child in order to help and encourage them.
  • Checking when your child’s homework has been completed – insisting on high standards of presentation and reminding them of our key question: ‘Is it excellent yet?’ 
  • Notifying the school of any issues or problems that may prevent the completion of homework.

Homework Club

Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday where they can complete work in a quiet environment with staff on hand to support them.

Personal Development

As part of our work on developing character, our focus for the next few weeks is being proud. If students are proud of their achievements, they will have a thirst and an energy to achieve more – so this is an important quality to develop here at Freddie’s. We also want students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘being proud’ is included below

Please access this link for key information on positivity and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Personal Development

As part of our work on developing character, our focus for the next few weeks is being proud. If students are proud of their achievements, they will have a thirst and an energy to achieve more – so this is an important quality to develop here at Freddie’s. We also want students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘being proud’ is included below

Please access this link for key information on positivity and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Message from the Headteacher

Every week I get nominations for Headteacher’s Award and these always astound me. At a time when young people are sadly demonised in the press and media, our rewards in school recognise the fabulous achievements of our young people both inside and outside of school and help to paint a very different picture of what young people are really about. I thought it would be nice to share some of the things that I have the privilege of seeing here in school. I receive many nominations that name students for their effort and hard work in school; however, what is often humbling about many of these is that they recognise the efforts of young people who are dealing with many challenges at home. Triumph over adversity. I receive nominations recognising when students have carried out tremendous acts of kindness in the community such as helping the elderly. A great many of our students are involved in community schemes.  I also see many of our students excelling in a variety of sports and a wide range of other activities. All of these students are ambassadors for our school and our community and we are very proud of them.

Mr Davies.