Office 365 Software

Information about Office 365 for students.

Office 365 Software

Information about Office 365 for students.

Office 365 Software

Information about Office 365 for students.

Our school uses the Microsoft Office suite of applications to aid with teaching and learning on all of our computers in school. As part of our licensing agreement, students are allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. By using their school Office 365 account Microsoft Office can be installed on up to five personal devices.

Office 365 can also be used and accessed via the web through a computers web browser, allowing students full access to the Office suite of applications, including their school email via Microsoft Outlook.

In conjunction with Microsoft’s cloud based storage solution (OneDrive), our students are able to save their school work and then work on it at home through their school Office 365 account.

See below for common questions and answers regarding accessing and using Microsoft Office 365.

How does my child download Microsoft Office for free?

Installing Office for your child to use computer is straightforward To start with you will need your child to log on to their school email by clicking here and then following the instructions provided below.