Satchel One

Information about our online learning platform.

Satchel One

Information about our online learning platform.

Satchel One

Information about our online learning platform.

Satchel One is the school online learning platform for students and is the parental portal for all information related to your child’s attendance, behaviour and overall progress within school.

Access to Satchel One as a parent and carer requires you to create an account. To create an account you need a parent code. If you have not been given a parent code please contact ictsupport@flhs.wigan.sch.uk ensuring that you state your child’s name and form group in the email. Once you receive your code you will then be able to register for a parent account which will give you access to an overview of your child’s homework, reward and behaviour points, attendance and punctuality.

Please note: If your child is due to start school in September and you do not already have a child on roll at our school you will not be able to create a Satchel One parent account. Codes to create parent accounts are issued once your child starts at FLHS in September.

Further Information

Support page for our online learning platform

Support page for our online learning platform