In-Year Admissions
How to apply for In-Year admissions.
In-Year Admissions
How to apply for In-Year admissions.
In-Year Admissions
How to apply for In-Year admissions.
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How to apply
If you would like to apply for a place for your child at our school you must complete the in-year school admission form. There are two parts to our application form. Part 1 must be completed by you (the parent/carer) and Part 2, should be completed by the Headteacher or Principal of your child’s current school.
Processing of the application will take up to fifteen school days. (Please note that applications are not processed during school holidays).
The school will not grant a place if we are on or above our PAN. For details of our current pupil admission numbers (PAN), click here.
If you have any questions please contact Mr Whalley, Deputy Headteacher at the school.
The full ‘in-year’ admissions policy can be found in the section ‘In-Year’ – Year 7 to Year 11.
- You must ensure your child continues to attend their current school whilst your application is being considered, however it is recognised that for families who have moved from out of district this may not always be possible.
- You must in all circumstances inform the Headteacher or Principal at their current/previous school of the arrangements you are making. Your child’s current Headteacher or Principal will need to fill in part 2 of the application form as soon as possible. We will acknowledge and respond to Part 1 of your application, but the process will not proceed until part 2 of the application is received from the current or previous school.
Apply online
To begin your application online, please complete our online application form (Part 1) which should be used when making a request to transfer your child to our school.
To start with your application process online, click here.
Application form Part 2 (For online and postal applications)
After you have completed the part 1 of the application form, the Headteacher or Principal at your child’s current/previous school will need to complete part 2 of the application form before we can proceed with your application. You can download this form below.
- This form must be completed and signed by the Headteacher or Principal of the school that your child currently attends or attended. Once completed it must be returned to Fred Longworth High School. If you have completed our online form please submit this form separately by post, (see below for postal address). We will not proceed with any admission until this information is received.
Paper forms should be sent by post for the attention of the Admissions Administrator or by e-mail (if you choose to scan the documents and attach them to an e-mail) to
Postal Address
In-Year Admissions,
Fred Longworth High School,
Printshop Lane,
M29 8JN