'In-Year' - Year 7 to Year 11

Information for parents and carers of secondary school aged students wishing to transfer school. 

'In-Year' - Year 7 to Year 11

Information for parents and carers of secondary school aged students wishing to transfer school. 

'In-Year' - Year 7 to Year 11

Information for parents and carers of secondary school aged students wishing to transfer school. 


Fred Longworth High School manages its own In-Year admissions (IYAs) in close partnership with the Local Authority (LA) who run our main intake admissions for Year 6 to Year 7 transfers and our admission appeals. We will manage these admissions in line with the School Admissions Code 2014 and we will ensure that our policy and processes are fair and transparent. This policy outlines how we deal with In Year Admissions when the school has a place within a particular year group and also when no places are available.

  1. We will publish and update our current school numbers and our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) on a regular basis, via the school website. Parents will be made aware of their options if a place is not available.
  2. Parents wishing to gain a place at the school for their child will be directed to the website where clear instructions will be given to them regarding how to apply.
  3. The Fred Longworth High School admissions form will be available for parents online and paper versions will be available at school reception.
  4. Parents will complete the admissions form in full and return it to school for the attention of the Admissions Administrator.

Where a place is available:

  • The school will contact the applicant’s previous school to gather information on the student.
  • The school will convene an admissions committee meeting to discuss new applications for places, provided that spaces are available. The admissions committee will meet every three weeks if necessary. The panel will consist of:
    • Pastoral Deputy Head
    • Admissions Administrator
    • Two school governors
  • Where a place is granted the school will contact the parent via telephone to invite the parent to an enrolment meeting to discuss the application and arrange a start date.
  • All applications will be recorded in order to ascertain the time and date of receipt. Applications where a space is available will be dealt with on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
  • If the school refuses a school place, the parent will be informed by letter and the school will contact the LA regarding this decision and the underlying reasons. The parent will be informed of their Right of Appeal (ROA).

Where a place is not available due to the Pupil Admission Number (PAN) being reached for a particular year group:

  • The parent will already have completed the application form and returned it to the school. This needs to completed even if, at the time of application, the school does not have any places in the year group applied for.
  • The school will write to the parent to inform the parent that there are no places available as the year group is full. The school will inform the parents of their ROA, and the school will inform the LA that a place has been refused due to no places being available.
  • If the parent decides to proceed to an appeal hearing they will contact the LA to gain information on how to arrange this.
  • Our policy is to defend our admission numbers at appeal hearings, as going above our PAN affects the quality of education that we can provide. This is outlined in detail at appeal hearings where the school’s statement of case is presented.

The school will not hold ‘waiting lists’ or ‘live applicant lists’. We will keep a record of all applications made and these will be held in a confidential file for one academic year. After one year the applications will be discarded.

For further details see the section ‘In-Year Admissions’ (you will also find an application form on this page which you can use if you think you meet the criteria).