Developing Students' Leadership Skills

Activities, roles and responsibilities at FLHS designed to develop leadership qualities.

Developing Students' Leadership Skills

Activities, roles and responsibilities at FLHS designed to develop leadership qualities.

Developing Students' Leadership Skills

Activities, roles and responsibilities at FLHS designed to develop leadership qualities.

Our Aim:

  • To provide a range of opportunities across school – to develop students’ leadership skills.
  • To enable younger students to become leaders in areas that they are confident in – not just Y11 students.

Why aim to become a leader?

  • Develop your character.
  • Become more confident and resilient, develop communication skills, teamwork skills, organisation skills.
  • You may enjoy it.
  • Experience. Build your CV and help you to prepare for life outside of school.
  • Prepare for your future – leadership roles can lead to increased salaries. 

Not everyone wants to be a leader.

  • If you do want to develop these skills however there are ample opportunities at our school, as well as outside of school (Scouts/Guides/Cadets/Sports Teams etc)
  • At Freddies there is capacity for over 400 students to become involved in leadership opportunities – this does not include curriculum based activities eg public speaking in English, BTec Sports Studies Leadership Unit in PE.
  • If interested, learn more from the information provided below – see members of staff and give it a go!

Further information

Information about our school led DofE Award

Introduction to the roles and responsibilities of student leadership at FLHS

Information about leadership opportunities through our subjects

Information about joining our Student Council

Information about applying to be Head Boy/Head Girl (Year 11 only)