Student Leadership at Fred Longworth High School contains many roles and responsibilities. These include:


Helping to lead and organise the new Year 7 students. Working with the new Head of Year and Mr Whalley on Move Up Days, Y6 Parents’ Evening and the first day in September, first couple of weeks in school.

Student Management

Leading duty teams at lunchtime. Helping with canteen queues, lunchtime arrangements and planning, organising the team of student leaders around school. Working with SLT and Heads of Year ensuring that the school is a safe and calm place to be at lunchtimes.

Well-being and Inclusion

Working closely with the Inclusion Team to ensure that The Inclusion Centre is a supportive and caring centre and a place for all students to attend. Leading other students who may be involved within the centre.

PE and Sport

Working closely with Mr Gregory and PE staff to help run events, lunchtime activities. Assisting with the ATSA programme, coaching and refereeing when available to assist PE staff and developing your own leadership skills.

The Arts

Working closely with Mr Moloney and Arts staff to run clubs and performances. Lead other students involved in this area. Cover the four areas of the Arts – Drama, Music, Art and Dance. Promoting shows and activities.


Work closely with SLT and other staff on events eg Parents’ Evenings. Celebration Evenings, school events. Develop Charity/fund-raising work from a student angle. Liaise with the local community eg businesses. Website articles and contribution – where relevant.

Additional information

Information about our school led DofE Award

Information about leadership opportunities through our subjects

Information about joining our Student Council

Information about applying to be Head Boy/Head Girl (Year 11 only)

Information about our school led DofE Award

Information about leadership opportunities through our subjects

Information about joining our Student Council

Information about applying to be Head Boy/Head Girl (Year 11 only)