Subject Based Leadership
Information about leadership opportunities through our subjects.
Subject Based Leadership
Information about leadership opportunities through our subjects.
Subject Based Leadership
Information about leadership opportunities through our subjects.
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Through our subjects there are plenty of opportunities to develop leadership skills. Read on to learn more.
PE/Sport Leadership Team

- 10 students to be selected from across all year groups.
- Students to complete 10 hours of leadership duties over 2022-23
- This will involve setting up activities, refereeing, assisting PE staff, helping with ATSA and school events eg Sports Day, leading warm-ups. Assisting with coaching activities.
- Students will receive a certificate and a badge on completion of their leadership log book.
- Skills developed – communication, organisation, confidence..amongst others.
- School lead – Mr Gregory

- 15 students in total working each day on a rota
- Working on the desk issuing and discharging books
- Helping to maintain an excellent environment
- Managing events eg World Book Day
- Working with Mrs Hibbert to create calendar of events
- Promoting the library and a reading culture
- Preparing for the move to the new school library
- Skills – organisation, communication, planning, IT skills, inter-personal skills.
- School lead – Mrs Hibbert

Dance Leaders

If you would like to develop your leadership qualities in Dance you can deliver a KS3 Dance Club to a particular year group or smaller group of dancers. Running your own club would involve collaborating with a couple of your friends/peers in order to choreograph an original piece of dance, teaching the dance once a week, over a number of weeks (usually 6-8 weeks) and finally rehearsing the piece with our young dancers in order to prepare it for a performance eg an assembly.
- 20 places available for Y9, 10 and 11 students to run KS3 Dance Clubs
- With Primary Dance Leaders – 40 places available
The qualities you will need to demonstrate are:
- reliability in attending all sessions
- organisation in delivering your sessions effectively
- cooperation in working alongside your fellow dance leaders
- empathy for the needs of your young dancers
- passion and enthusiasm for your subject
- creativity in developing your dance piece
- positivity in helping to develop a successful learning environment
- School Lead – Mrs McPhail

Arts Based Leadership Schemes

Through our large Arts faculty there are plenty of opportunities to develop leadership skills.
Musical Theatre
Wednesday nights led by KS4 students. The students lead this – FLHS staff are facilitators. 10 Places available.

Drama Club
Students can act as mentors to help run clubs for the younger students. 10 places available.

National Theatre Connections
20 places available for KS4 students to lead rehearsals and mentor younger students. This was an incredible event this year.

Drama ‘Tech Club’
Do you want to lead on the technical side, work with specialist staff, help to run events and shows? Work as part of a team – in the ‘Crew’. 8 places available.

School Musical
‘Into The Woods’ help to direct certain aspects of the play. Work as part of a team, to produce an amazing school show. 10 places available for KS4 students.

Art Club
Help younger students to develop their love of Art. Work with staff to develop own art skills in a range of areas. 6 places available.

Arts Award (Arts Council) - Sept 2022 onwards
Meet as a team to help promote and run Arts EC activities. Create and devise own scripts. Aim is to attract more boys into EC Arts activities. 15 places available.


Through our English faculty there are plenty of opportunities to develop leadership skills.
Fred Poets’ Society
30 places available to KS3 students. Staff lead – Mrs Tempest.
- Develop communication skills.
- Collaborate with other students
- Study different authors and replicate their style

‘Print Shop Press’
15 students across the school. Staff leads Miss Houghton and Miss O Rea.
- Create a school magazine, Interview staff and students, write articles. Develop journalism skills, work as part of a team, editing information, having responsibility for different sections.