Email disclaimer
Email messages sent by Fred Longworth High School are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or group to whom they are addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not represent those of the school or Trust. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received the email message in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of the e-mail message is strictly prohibited. Please note that the school and trust may monitor and intercept email communications.
Fred Longworth High School is a Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. The registered office for Fred Longworth High School (Company Number 7733109, VAT Number GB 119 1072 40) is Printshop Lane, Tyldesley, Manchester, M29 8JN.
For our ‘Legal Notice’, click here.
For our ‘Privacy Notice’, click here.
Malware and Viruses
All messages are swept for the presence of viruses and other threats. The School and Trust cannot guarantee a 100% detection rate. Good practice is to ensure that you treat all messages and attachments with caution and before use, scan them with your own anti-virus software.
Security and Encryption
Messages of a confidential nature will normally be encrypted using Microsoft Office 365 ‘Rights Management’. You will receive a notification if you have an encrypted message waiting to be retrieved. A link is provided within the notification to access the encrypted mail. If you have a compatible mail client and account (in the name of the email to whom it is addressed) you can use that account to decrypt and read the e-mail. Alternatively, you can request a time limited passcode to be e-mailed to the same address which you can use to read the message. You must use this passcode within the time specified, if it expires, you must request another passcode following the link in the notification message.
Please note encryption is used to secure confidential information and provide a safe mechanism for sending such data via email to comply with GDPR. We cannot send confidential information without this safeguard. Dependent on the nature of the communication, apart from encryption, we may further restrict your ability to forward, copy, print or edit the contents thereof.
If you have difficulties reading the encrypted message and are reading this from your workplace or similar environment where a proxy server and/or internet filtering or other system restrictions are in place, you may need to contact your IT Support department for assistance. There is also a help link on the notification message for instructions from Microsoft. You can read more about Office 365 Encryption and how it works here.
In some cases we may agree to send you a clear text message together with a secured and encrypted attachment in which the main content of the communication is contained. This will require a passkey (separately agreed between the messaging parties) and software to decrypt. If not already installed on your computer you can obtain the software the sender used at:;[for file extension “.7z or .zip”]