Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity

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      Overarching policy statement

      In accordance with our mission statement and vision of Belonging, Engaging and Succeeding Together.

      a) we endeavour:

        • to respect the equal human rights of all our students;
        • to educate them about equality; and
        • to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.

      b) We will assess our current school practices and implement all necessary resulting actions in relation to:

        • ethnicity,
        • religion or belief,
        • socio-economic background,
        • gender and gender identity,
        • disability, sexual orientation, and age.

      c) We will promote community cohesion at school, local, national and global levels, comparing our school community to its local and national context and implementing all necessary actions in relation to:

      • ethnicity,
      • religion or belief, and
      • socio-economic background.

      Statutory requirements

      The equality objectives in Section 9 below address our duties under current equality legislation, up to and including the Equality Act 2010.


      The governors as a whole are responsible for:

      • drawing up, publishing and implementing the school’s equality objectives
      • making sure the school complies with the relevant equality legislation; and
      • making sure the school Equality Scheme and its procedures are followed
      • monitoring progress towards the equality objectives and reporting annually

      The named member of SLT responsible for Equality Schemes is Ashley Stuart, but the head teacher has overall responsibility for:

      • making sure steps are taken to address the school’s stated equality objectives;
      • making sure the equality, access and community cohesion plans are readily available and that the governors, staff, students, and their parents and guardians know about them;
      • producing regular information for staff and governors about the plans and how they are working;
      • making sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out; and
      • taking appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination, including prejudice-related incidents.
      • enabling reasonable adjustments to be made, in relation to disability, in regard to students, staff, parents / carers and visitors to the school.

      All staff are responsible for:

      • promoting equality and community cohesion in their work;
      • avoiding unlawful discrimination against anyone;
      • fostering good relations between groups; and
      • dealing with prejudice-related incidents;
      • being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping;
      • taking up training and learning opportunities.

      Visitors and contractors are responsible for following relevant school policy.

      Staff development

      This section outlines our process for training and development in relation to equality and cohesion, in terms of professional responsibilities as well as statutory requirements.

      • The school has taken a set of actions based on an informed understanding of its religious, ethnic and socio-economic context.
      • It is actively promoting community cohesion within the school community and other communities through organisations such as Intergen, SWAP etc.

      Publication and review

      This Equality Scheme fulfils statutory requirements under the terms of legislation referred to above. As it is a public document, the school governors publish it by making it available on request.

      The scheme will be kept under regular review.

      How we report on progress and impact

      A report on progress with the actions listed below will be published by the governors via e.g. website, prospectus, newsletter etc. at the end of each school year.

      Evidence will also be kept of the impact of our actions to promote community cohesion, in respect of ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

      How we conduct equality impact assessment

      This section outlines our process for monitoring the potential impact of school practice in terms of:

      • ethnicity,
      • religion or belief,
      • socio-economic background,
      • gender and gender identity,
      • disability,
      • sexual orientation, and age.

      Equality information about students from different backgrounds is systematically gathered in relation to academic performance, behaviour, SEN, attendance and punctuality.

      School Academic Screening is analysed with a focus on different groups within the school.  SEN, EAL, Ethnicity Deprivation (FSM), Gender etc.

      This data is interrogated by a variety of staff. It also forms the basis for target setting within school which ensures constant monitoring of vulnerable groups and individuals. 

      Incidents of bullying, hate and harassment are logged on a formal basis and reported.

      Equality objectives identified by this process should be included in the three-year plan, or in the School Improvement Plan as appropriate.

      Our equality objectives

      Our objectives aim to:

      1. promote equality of opportunity for members of identified groups
      2. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and
      3. foster good relations between different groups in terms of
        • ethnicity,
        • religion or belief,
        • socio-economic background,
        • gender and gender identity,
        • disability,
        • sexual orientation and age.

      Equality objectives

      (to be kept under regular review)

      Equality objectives

      Narrowing Attainment Gaps

      To refine the use of data in order to track the attainment of targeted students i.e. FSM, CLA, EAL, SEN/D, G&T, Girls/Boys, Nurture Group.

      Directors of Learning to work with HoYs, HoFs and HoDs to ensure consistency across Year groups and Faculties.

      Effective intervention to be put in place.  

      To work towards becoming a Dyslexia Friendly School
      To develop a centrally based IT system in school in order to record incidents of prejudice and discrimination. The school previously used the SENTINEL system which has now been withdrawn by the LA