Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 30
- December 2, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 30
- December 2, 2022
Things to celebrate
- This week, we shared our ‘Freddie’s Focus on the Stars’ winners during form time. Please ask your child if they were one of the lucky winners this time. Your child may have been recognised for their efforts and achievements in a particular subject area, or nominated for our Headteacher Award for their contribution to the wider school community.
- Our Year 11 mock exams have started this week. We are incredibly proud of the way in which our Year 11 students have conducted themselves in the examination hall, and of how our younger students have supported them by keeping the corridors silent and clear.
- Last weekend, our IT department took a number of our students on a computing trip to London. The behaviour of all students involved was exemplary.
- On Monday, a number of our KS3 students attended an English trip to see ‘A Christmas Carol’ at the Octagon Theatre Bolton. A wonderful time was had by all.
- On Wednesday evening, the drama department took some of our students to watch ‘The Lion King’. Once again, the students who attended were exemplary and the show was received well.
School Reminders
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 Mock exams will continue into next week. Further information, along with resources and examination support, is now available on our website in the ‘Year 11 Examination Support’ page under the parent and student information section.
On Monday 5th December, we will be holding our next PSHE day. Attendance on this important day is vital.
Christmas Concert
On Wednesday 14th December we will be hosting our annual Christmas concert in our sports hall. This event will commence at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £5 and are available to buy from our music department or reception.
FLHS Well-being
As part of our Healthy Schools and well-being drive, we have now created an FLHS Well-being platform on Instagram.
General Reminder
Jewellery and makeup are not permitted in school. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child complies with our standards.
School Reminders
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 Mock exams will continue into next week. Further information, along with resources and examination support, is now available on our website in the ‘Year 11 Examination Support’ page under the parent and student information section.
On Monday 5th December, we will be holding our next PSHE day. Attendance on this important day is vital.
Christmas Concert
On Wednesday 14th December we will be hosting our annual Christmas concert in our sports hall. This event will commence at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £5 and are available to buy from our music department or reception.
FLHS Well-being
As part of our Healthy Schools and well-being drive, we have now created an FLHS Well-being platform on Instagram.
General Reminder
Jewellery and makeup are not permitted in school. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child complies with our standards.
Homework and Self-directed study
Students in Y7 and Y8 should be completing two ‘See Readers’ on ‘Reading Plus’ each week. This should take 30 minutes as part of their English homework, and our drive to improve reading standards.
Parents and carers can support by:
Asking their child to show their Reading Plus account where parents and carers will see their success so far including words read, levels gained and quiz success.
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
Personal Development
The final character trait that we will be focusing on is being committed. Having commitment is a key character value as it means that we can sustain our effort and perform over a period of time. It is linked to resilience and motivation. Look at how Kevin Sinfield has shown incredible commitment recently competing 7 ultra-marathons in 7 days! Key information on being committed is found below:

Personal Development

The final character trait that we will be focusing on is being committed. Having commitment is a key character value as it means that we can sustain our effort and perform over a period of time. It is linked to resilience and motivation. Look at how Kevin Sinfield has shown incredible commitment recently competing 7 ultra-marathons in 7 days! Key information on being committed is found below:
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
A letter has been sent to you this week explaining our concerns about vaping in school and our response to this. Please read this carefully. We need your support.
Over the next few weeks, we will also be talking to students about the health risks posed by vaping. Can you please talk to your child about this issue and importantly, don’t assume that your child has not been exposed in some way to vaping. The E-cigarettes come in many different guises and often look like bright highlighters, pens or USB devices. Please remind children of the dangers and the consequences of vaping in and outside of school. Details of the health risks can be found here:
Mr Davies.