Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 39
- March 3, 2023
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 39
- March 3, 2023
Things to celebrate
- This week, our Year 11 students have sat mock examinations. Their conduct and work ethic has been exemplary. We thank you as parents and carers for your continued support.
- On Thursday night, a group of 20 Year 9, 10 and 11 students performed their National Theatre Connections piece which is entitled, ‘Strangers Like Me’. We are immensely proud of the students involved and encourage parents and carers who could not attend to come along to ‘Home Theatre’ in Manchester on Wednesday 26th April at 7.30pm where it will be performed once again. Tickets are available from the ‘Home Theatre’ website.
- This week, our Year 8 students have had the opportunity to watch a piece of live theatre based on the theme of drug misuse. The performance was based on the true story of Daniel Spargo-Mabbs. For more information on this story and the DSM Foundation, please use this link:
- Students were invited to take part in various activities this week to celebrate ‘World Book day’ on Thursday including a 50-word story writing competition, Big Book Quiz and a ‘whodunnit’. We thank our parents for your continued support in encouraging your child to read for pleasure.
- Sporting success this week
- The Y9 basketball team beat Byrchall on the Wednesday before half term. The Y10 basketball team also beat Byrchall that last week. Both fixtures were the first of the season for both teams.
- The Y7 football squad had an enjoyable visit to St. Mary’s the last week of term playing some mini games of football.
The Y8 football team played the Y9 football team on Wednesday. The final score was a draw and all players really enjoyed the fixture which was played in good spirit. - Anya Butterworth played in a Para games badminton tournament in Spain during half term. She won a bronze medal in her women’s doubles.

Images courtesy of
School Reminders
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Year 8 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 9th March in school from 4.30pm.
Year 11 - Prom
We would like to make all parents and carers of Year 11 students aware that invites to the prom will be released soon. There is clear criterion of which all students have been made aware. Please remind your child of this.
School Musical - Grease
Our school show ‘Grease’ will commence on Monday 13th of March in the Drama Theatre. Performances will take place Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Monday 20th March.
School Reminders
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Year 8 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 9th March in school from 4.30pm.
Year 11 - Prom
We would like to make all parents and carers of Year 11 students aware that invites to the prom will be released soon. There is clear criterion of which all students have been made aware. Please remind your child of this.
School Musical - Grease
Our school show ‘Grease’ will commence on Monday 13th of March in the Drama Theatre. Performances will take place Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Monday 20th March.
Homework and Self-directed study
To support all of our students with homework and organisation of self-directed study, we would like them to ask themselves the following questions:
- What homework do I have this week? What’s in my Satchel?! and IF I haven’t got any homework, what can I do independently?
- When will I focus on each piece of homework?
- How will I complete it to the best of my ability and how do I need to submit it? (hand in or online submission?)
We encourage all of our parents and carers to also ask these questions at home.
You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.

Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
School Policies
We would like to remind parents about some of our school policies:
Mobile Phones
These are not allowed to be used in school. Our rule is ‘once through the school gates’ mobile phones must be switched off or on silent.
Students are not allowed to wear any make-up. This is creeping into school and we ask for the support of parents with this. Students should not be bringing make-up to school
Hoodies/Tracksuit tops
School coats must be waterproof; our expectation is for students to wear coats not tracksuit tops or ‘hoodie’ style tops.
Students not following these policies will be spoken to and our policies on confiscation and detentions will follow if necessary.
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to pass my congratulations on to all Year 11 student for their efforts this week during the mock examinations. Their conduct and attitude to learning has been exemplary. It is always great to see Year 11 rising to the challenge at this time of year and as they enter the most critical point of their time in school.
We have also been celebrating World Book Day this week with a series of daily events taking place in the Library. This provides me with an opportunity to remind all parents of the importance of your child reading at home. Information about how you can support your child’s reading can be found at the bottom of this message.
It is worth reminding parents that to access GCSE examination papers, students need to have a reading age of 15 years 7 months. It is therefore imperative that parents play their part in developing their child’s ability to read. If your child reaches Year 10 and their reading age is below this standard, they will struggle to access many aspects of the curriculum.
Finally, I know that the ongoing industrial disputes will be of concern to parents. Remember that the strikes are not directed towards the school in any way but are part of a national campaign, and I have written to you already to explain the reasons for the strike which are about far more than just pay. The next round of strikes is schedule for the 15th and 16th March unless there is a breakthrough in negotiations. We will keep you informed as this situation develops.
Mr Davies.