Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 31
- December 9, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 31
- December 9, 2022
Things to celebrate
- On Monday, we held our second PSHE day. As part of this day, our Year 11 students took part in mock interviews. We would like to thank anyone who supported those interviews. Visitor feedback was incredibly complimentary about the conduct of our students on this day.
- On Monday, our BTEC Performing Arts students performed their examination pieces to a live audience. All did exceptionally well.
- On Thursday, we hosted our Senior Citizen’s Christmas party. It was wonderful to see so many visitors in school enjoying the event. We are also very proud of the students involved in supporting this event.
- On Thursday, a group of students came 2nd in ‘Great Book Quiz’ following reading set novels. A brilliant achievement.
- In terms of sporting successes this week, we have the following to share: our Year 9/10 Girls’ football team and the Y10 boys’ football team have both reached the ¼ final of the County Cup. Cross-Country has also been a huge success; there have been some outstanding performances from so many students with records broken left, right and centre. Well DONE to all! Abbie and Jenna Binks competed in the inter-regionals water polo last weekend at Walsall. They represented the northwest and managed to reach second place, coming away with the silver medal. Also, Abbie was team captain and awarded the MVP. We are incredibly proud of all of these achievements
School Reminders
Year 7 - Christingle
On Tuesday 13th December, our Year 7 students will be attending the Christingle Service at St George’s Church. This service will take place during period 5.
Christmas Concert
On Wednesday 14th December we will be hosting our annual Christmas concert in our sports hall. This event will commence at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £5 and are available to buy from our music department or reception.
Christmas Break
School will close for the Christmas break on Friday 16th December at 12.15.
General Reminder
Could we please remind all parents and carers to ensure that their child is ready to return to school in appropriate uniform without jewellery, false nails/lashes or fake tan. We appreciate your support.
School Reminders
Year 7 - Christingle
On Tuesday 13th December, our Year 7 students will be attending the Christingle Service at St George’s Church. This service will take place during period 5.
Christmas Concert
On Wednesday 14th December we will be hosting our annual Christmas concert in our sports hall. This event will commence at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £5 and are available to buy from our music department or reception.
Christmas Break
School will close for the Christmas break on Friday 16th December at 12.15.
General Reminder
Could we please remind all parents and carers to ensure that their child is ready to return to school in appropriate uniform without jewellery, false nails/lashes or fake tan. We appreciate your support.
Homework and Self-directed study
We have introduced proofreading support for students this half term to support them in reviewing and editing their written work before handing it in. We want students to be identifying and correcting any mistakes, and ask parents and carers to prompt their child to check homework before they submit to ensure basic mistakes have been identified and corrected.
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
Personal Development
The final character trait that we will be focusing on is being committed. Having commitment is a key character value as it means that we can sustain our effort and perform over a period of time. It is linked to resilience and motivation. Look at how Kevin Sinfield has shown incredible commitment recently competing 7 ultra-marathons in 7 days! Key information on being committed is found below:

Personal Development

The final character trait that we will be focusing on is being committed. Having commitment is a key character value as it means that we can sustain our effort and perform over a period of time. It is linked to resilience and motivation. Look at how Kevin Sinfield has shown incredible commitment recently competing 7 ultra-marathons in 7 days! Key information on being committed is found below:
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
This will be the last Freddie’s Focus for Parents this term. I will be writing separately to you next week in my end of term letter. Please look out for this as it will provide useful updates and information for you to be aware of. I would just like to remind parents that as next Friday is the last day of term, there will be a non-uniform day. In order to raise money for charity, we are asking all students and staff to bring in £1 each and this money will go to two charities:
- St Ann’s Hospice
- Ronald McDonald House
With Christmas being so close and the World Cup being on at the moment, students may wish to wear a Christmas jumper or a football shirt etc. On the last day of term, we will also be having our celebration assemblies to recognise the achievements of your children this term. These are lovely, positive occasions in school and a fitting way to finish the term.
Mr Davies.