Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 27
- November 11, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 27
- November 11, 2022
Things to celebrate
- This week a number of our Year 7 students attended our annual and much-loved Winmarleigh trip. Their behaviour was exemplary, and a wonderful time was had by all.
- Our Year 8 students took part in a superb STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) day on Thursday where they took part in a wide variety of activities focussed on these key disciplines. Activities included Robotics Rumble, Tower Building Tournament, Molecules to Medicine and Biology of brains.
- We are absolutely thrilled to announce that one of our Year 10 students, Luke, is now the Thai Boxing ISKA World Open Champion!
- Another of our Year 10 students, Anya, has also made us incredibly proud in representing Great Britain in the Badminton Paralympics.
School Reminders
Progress Review
Progress Review for all year groups will take place on Monday 14th November from 2pm.
Staff Training Day
Friday 18th November is a staff training day therefore school is closed to all students.
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 Mock exams will commence Monday 28th November. Further information, along with resources and examination support, is now available on our website in the ‘Year 11 Examination Support’ page under the parent and student information sections.
Remembrance Parade
The Tyldesley Remembrance Parade will take place this Sunday and students are welcome to join us at school at 9am if they wish to take part.
School Apps
We have now added a page on our website under ‘Parents’ which outlines all of our school apps and how to access them. For further information please use the link below.
General Reminder
Can we please remind all parents and carers that trainers are not permitted in school unless it is for PE lessons or medical reasons (where a medical note is required). Your child is expected to wear sensible, black school shoes with black laces.
School Reminders
Progress Review
Progress Review for all year groups will take place on Monday 14th November from 2pm.
Staff Training Day
Friday 18th November is a staff training day therefore school is closed to all students.
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 Mock exams will commence Monday 28th November. Further information, along with resources and examination support, is now available on our website in the ‘Year 11 Examination Support’ page under the parent and student information sections.
Remembrance Parade
The Tyldesley Remembrance Parade will take place this Sunday and students are welcome to join us at school at 9am if they wish to take part.
School Apps
We have now added a page on our website under ‘Parents’ which outlines all of our school apps and how to access them. For further information please use the link below.
General Reminder
Can we please remind all parents and carers that trainers are not permitted in school unless it is for PE lessons or medical reasons (where a medical note is required). Your child is expected to wear sensible, black school shoes with black laces.
Homework and Self-directed study
This week, we would like to share another of our homework strands: ‘Retrieve it’. These are tasks which prompt students to recall/remember key information. The more we encourage students to retrieve information, the more chance we have of it ‘sticking’ and remaining in the long-term memory for students to retrieve with ease. You could encourage your child to review their learning and undertake a series of retrieval tasks using the following techniques:
- Self-testing using any knowledge organisers in class books
- Quizzes set on Satchel One
- Self-testing by creating their own mini quizzes
- Creating their own set of flashcards
- Displaying information visually through the use of graphic organisers. Below is an example of a graphic organiser:
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
Personal Development
The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Courageous. Having courage can be difficult as it is also linked to confidence and resilience; however students who show courage in themselves and in certain situations are more likely to be successful. Further information on being courageous is found below:

Personal Development

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Courageous. Having courage can be difficult as it is also linked to confidence and resilience; however students who show courage in themselves and in certain situations are more likely to be successful. Further information on being courageous is found below:
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
Yesterday I visited the Year 7 students at Winmarleigh and it was excellent to see the year group gelling so well and getting involved in a range of exciting activities – although I’m not sure how happy some parents will be when they see all the muddy clothes! Rest assured though, the students have had a fantastic time! And for those students who did not go, there has been a range of team building activities here in school which they too have enjoyed. It’s been a great week for Year 7.
Mr Davies.