Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 33
- January 13, 2023
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 33
- January 13, 2023
Things to celebrate
- Last Friday, a group of our Year 7 students took part in a trip to Manchester Airport with our Computing department. It was very successful trip with students’ behaviour and attitude praised by the airport staff.
- This week, we have hosted ‘Breakfast with your Head of Year’ for all students who have had good attendance last term. We are so proud of their commitment and ask them to keep it up.
- Some of our students attended the Mental Health Ambassador training earlier this week. We are incredibly proud of the students who volunteered to take part and demonstrated such maturity and kindness throughout the day.
- Our Year 11 students received their Mock results on Thursday. It was wonderful to see so many pleased faces, whilst others now have a clear picture of their priority subjects and areas for improvement.
School Reminders
School Musical Production
The highly anticipated ‘Grease’ (our next school musical) tickets are now on sale. Performances will take place 14th-17th March. For tickets see below.
Year 11 Parents' Evening
On Thursday 19th January, our Year 11 Parents’ Evening will take place in school from 16.30.
Dates for the diary
Our Year 9 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 2nd February in school from 16.30. On the 15th and 16th February Year 9 Options interviews will be held. Further information on this to follow.
General Reminder
Could we please ask all parents and carers to support us in ensuring that your child does not wear jewellery for school.
School Reminders
School Musical Production
The highly anticipated ‘Grease’ (our next school musical) tickets are now on sale. Performances will take place 14th-17th March. For tickets see below.
Year 11 Parents' Evening
On Thursday 19th January, our Year 11 Parents’ Evening will take place in school from 16.30.
Dates for the diary
Our Year 9 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 2nd February in school from 16.30. On the 15th and 16th February Year 9 Options interviews will be held. Further information on this to follow.
General Reminder
Could we please ask all parents and carers to support us in ensuring that your child does not wear jewellery for school.
Homework and Self-directed study
Staff are continually encouraging our students to take pride in the quality of their written work. To help, we have introduced the new Freddie’s Proofreading Guidance. Please encourage your child to check all of their work, avoiding making any basic errors by proofreading carefully.

You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One

Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
Dear Parents and Carers,
At the start of a new year, it is important to reflect on last term. Please have a look at our ‘Attendance Diamond’ and review what level of attendance your child is currently at. You can see this on Satchel:One via the parent app, and all students are shown their attendance in form time on a weekly basis.
We would like all students to aim for 97%+ (which still equates to 6 days absence per year) and at the end of the year in order for students to be eligible for our rewards trips, students will need to achieve 95% attendance or above. EVERY DAY COUNTS is our key message.
The link between success at school and attendance is clear; we want all our students to succeed. Being in school on time are key ingredients for students to do well at school.

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
It was fantastic to see such a positive and mature response from our Year 11 students during our Mock Results Day on Thursday. For obvious reasons, this was not quite as nerve-wracking as the real day in August, but it still gave our students a real sense of what lies ahead. Also, whilst grades may not yet quite be where the students need or want them to be – the key word here is ‘yet’. Hopefully over the coming months, students can learn from any mistakes made during the mock exams and build on the experience in anticipation for the real exams in the Summer.
Don’t forget we also have Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 19th January from 4:30pm – we look forward to seeing you then. Your child’s results and reports have been sent home with your child.
Mr Davies.