Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 25
- October 21, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 25
- October 21, 2022
Things to celebrate
- All of our students took part in a self-evaluation week during Form time. This provided every student with an opportunity to reflect upon their strengths and areas for improvement throughout this half term. Please ask your child to explain to you what their next steps are.
- BEST Awards were awarded to four students from every form class who have demonstrated one or more of our character values this half term.
- Last weekend, a number of our students took part in the Duke of Edinburgh expedition. A massive congratulations to all involved.
- On Wednesday night, we hosted our Primary Dance Festival. This involved a number of our feeder primary schools working alongside many Freddie’s students. It was wonderful to see our older students taking on leadership roles and inspiring younger students to take part in dance.
- Our school was inspected by OFSTED – please see the Headteacher’s message below.
School Reminders
Half Term
Next week is Half Term. School will re-open Monday 31st October.
History Trip
Our History trip to the battlefields in Belgium / France takes place Friday 21st October until Monday.
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 mock exams will commence on Monday 28th November and will run across a fortnight. Please encourage your child to engage with revision over the half term break using their revision timetables for guidance on priority areas of study.
Cooking lesson reminder
Could we ask parents and carers to remind their child that if they have a cooking lesson, they must go to collect their containers of food at the end of the school day from DT.
Year 11 Examination preparation night
Our ‘Y11 Examination preparation night’ for parents and carers will take place on Thursday 3rd November at 6pm. Letters have been given to students with full details.
Winmarleigh Trip
Our much-anticipated Year 7 trip to Winmarleigh will take place on Tuesday 8th November.
Progress Review
Progress Review for all year groups will take place on Monday 14th November from 2pm. Information about this online event and how to book your appointment via School Cloud will be sent out after Half Term.
General Reminder
Please support us in ensuring your child adheres to our basic standards following the half term break with appropriate hair styles, uniform, and equipment. False tan, lashes and nails are not allowed in school.
School Reminders
Half Term
Next week is Half Term. School will re-open Monday 31st October.
History Trip
Our History trip to the battlefields in Belgium / France takes place Friday 21st October until Monday.
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 mock exams will commence on Monday 28th November and will run across a fortnight. Please encourage your child to engage with revision over the half term break using their revision timetables for guidance on priority areas of study.
Cooking lesson reminder
Could we ask parents and carers to remind their child that if they have a cooking lesson, they must go to collect their containers of food at the end of the school day from DT.
Year 11 Examination preparation night
Our ‘Y11 Examination preparation night’ for parents and carers will take place on Thursday 3rd November at 6pm. Letters have been given to students with full details.
Winmarleigh Trip
Our much-anticipated Year 7 trip to Winmarleigh will take place on Tuesday 8th November.
Progress Review
Progress Review for all year groups will take place on Monday 14th November from 2pm. Information about this online event and how to book your appointment via School Cloud will be sent out after Half Term.
General Reminder
Please support us in ensuring your child adheres to our basic standards following the half term break with appropriate hair styles, uniform, and equipment. False tan, lashes and nails are not allowed in school.
Homework and Self-directed study
We have six types of homework which we set in order to broaden, consolidate and enhance your child’s learning. Each week we will share with you one of the types of homework.
Please see below for this week’s ‘Retrieve it’ examples and our reason for setting this type of homework task (click to enlarge):
Satchel One
You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One.
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers of Y10 and 11 students that we have access to GCSEPod which is an online study platform. We would like all of our KS4 students to sign up to this and reap the benefits of it. Your child will have received an email from Mr Singleton about how to log on. Please encourage your child to do so. For further information, click here.
Personal Development
The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Trustworthy. Being trustworthy is one a key area to developing friendships and it will enable others to think highly of us. People want to see that we are honest and that we will be sincere and have integrity – others important personal qualities for us to develop. Key information on ‘being trustworthy’ is included below.

Personal Development

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Trustworthy. Being trustworthy is one a key area to developing friendships and it will enable others to think highly of us. People want to see that we are honest and that we will be sincere and have integrity – others important personal qualities for us to develop. Key information on ‘being trustworthy’ is included below.
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will all no doubt be aware, the school was inspected by OFSTED on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The official report will be published within the next 30 days and until then, we are not allowed to share the outcome and findings with you. I can say that this has been a positive experience and, as always, a really good week in school. We have had so many great events taking place including the Primary Dance Festival on Wednesday and a raft of extracurricular activities from sign language clubs to football tournaments. There has been a genuine buzz around school and the students have been so positive; we have seen their very best. Can I thank all the parents and carers who took the time to complete the surveys sent out by the inspection team. I wish everyone a good half term holiday.
Mr Davies.