
Homework Information.


Homework Information.


Homework Information.

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      Homework is used to broaden, consolidate, extend or enhance the learning experience


      At FLHS, homework is viewed as a valuable part of a student’s learning. We believe that effective homework can improve learning and help our students to develop lifelong skills. Our aim is for homework to be structured, meaningful and coherent for all concerned. Homework at FLHS should broaden, consolidate, extend or enhance the learning experience.

      The purpose of Homework FLHS

      • Setting homework is part of the Teachers’ Standards and is outlined in the following way: ‘Teachers should set homework and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired.’
      • Homework should be used to consolidate learning of the curriculum, deepen understanding and prepare pupils for further study in the future.
      • Homework requires lifelong learning skills such as organisation, time management, resilience and independence, all of which we promote at FLHS in order to help our students to live their ‘BEST’ lives at FLHS and beyond.
      • To provide parents with the chance to support their child’s progress and engage in dialogue about school experiences.

      How homework will be set

      Teachers will set homework through ‘Satchel One’. Students will be able to check their homework and deadlines by going into ‘Satchel One’.  Parents will receive notification when homework is set via the ‘Satchel One’ app.

      The types of homework we will set and why

      Teachers will set homework through ‘Satchel One’. Students will be able to check their homework and deadlines by going into ‘Satchel One’.  Parents will receive notification when homework is set via the ‘Satchel One’ app.

      At FLHS, we endeavour to use evidence-informed practice and research in order to provide the most effective types of homework tasks to enhance our students’ learning experience.

      Homework activity/tasks could include the following: How the activities/tasks will help students to become better learners:

      Read it:

      • Reading novels
      • Reading key extracts of texts/literature
      • Reading articles
      • Accessing bespoke reading through ‘Reading Plus’

      Language and literacy provide us with the building blocks not just for academic success, but for fulfilling careers and rewarding lives’.

      ( Education Endowment Foundation)

      Reading helps to improve vocabulary, communication, grammar and writing skills.

      Spell it:

      • Spelling and vocabulary tests

      • Exploration of the etymology of key words

      Spelling tasks help students to be able to spell key words within their subjects correctly.  The more practice that students have at spellings, the better chance they have at remembering them. Being able to spell words correctly is something that will help students all through their life.

      Apply it:

      • Extended written responses to a question

      • Producing a piece of work which will demonstrate understanding of a topic or concept

      These tasks might require students to demonstrate how well they have understood and learnt key things from their lessons.  They might be extended written responses to a question which require students to apply their knowledge and understanding.

      Retrieve it:

      • Knowledge Organisers

      • Quizzes

      • Self-testing

      • Flashcards

      • Graphic Organisers

      • Learning grids

      These are tasks which prompt students to recall/remember key information.  The more we encourage students to retrieve information, the more chance we have of it ‘sticking’ and remaining in the long term memory for students to retrieve with ease.

      Practise it:

      • Practice of skills

      • Rehearsal of lines

      • Practice of dance moves

      • Music practice for performance pieces

      • Use of  platforms such as ‘My Maths’

      Practice makes perfect!  Repeatedly practising something eventually helps students to remember and to master something to an excellent standard.

      Pod it:

      • GCSEPod- An extensive study support platform which provides students with access to additional content including film clips, assessment materials linked to specific subjects and topics

      GCSEPod is an online resource which contains lots of mini film pods linked to most subjects and key topics. Teachers can use them to test their students, enhance revision and monitor their engagement.  Students can self-test, build knowledge and monitor their progress.

      Time to be Spent Completing Homework or self-directed study

      Based on current good practice and previous DfE guidance, we endeavour to follow this guidance on the amount of time that we would advise our students to spend on their homework or self-directed study.

      These guidelines are listed below:

      Year 7 & 8: Approximately 90 minutes per day

      Year 9: Approximately 1 – 2 hours per day

      Year 10 & 11: Approximately 1.5 – 2.5 hours per day

      Pupils may be expected to undertake a variety of homework activities. These activities will differ depending on the teacher and subject.  We would also like to highlight that the guidelines may include self-directed study time which we would encourage our students to undertake on a weekly basis to target and embed their individual gaps in knowledge or skill.  Effective learning strategies which students could use during their self-directed study time can be seen below:

      The OSCAR model

      At FLHS we use the OSCAR model as a method of supporting students with their homework and revision and would suggest that these strategies be used by students during independent study:

      What our students can expect in terms of Feedback

      At FLHS we strive to provide timely and purposeful feedback. A variety of methods will be used to provide feedback, such as whole class feedback, verbal feedback, ‘where next?’ feedback and follow-up tasks. Quizzes, spelling tests and numeracy tests will provide pupils with immediate feedback. We may use more extensive, targeted marking on longer tasks which may require written feedback.

      Expectations and Support

      Teachers are expected to:

      • Set homework that is appropriate for the age and stage of pupils;
      • Set time aside during lessons for homework to be fully explained and questions answered;
      • Set homework that aligns with the faculty and whole school homework policy;
      • Allow enough time for the homework to be completed to an excellent standard, reminding students to question if the standard of their homework ‘Is excellent yet?’ (This includes avoiding overnight homework whenever possible.)
      • Provide additional support with homework if requested by the pupil or parent – for example, paper copies of resources;
      • Provide timely and effective feedback. This may involve providing the opportunity for peer assessment or individual reflection on their progress;
      • Understand the implications of AI (Artificial intelligence) misuse when setting homework and feeding back;
      • Signpost students to the use of AI where it may be deemed as appropriate as a method of complementing the curriculum and learning experience;
      • Clearly communicate with students the following:
        • Appropriate use of AI

        • Inappropriate use of AI which could be deemed as plagiarism and/or deter from learning

        • How to acknowledge AI through the correct referencing system

      *For further information on Artificial Intelligence please see our AI policy*

      Students are expected to:

      • Listen to homework instructions in class and check ‘Satchel One’ daily for homework set and deadlines;
      • Complete homework to the best of their ability and hand it in on time;
      • Communicate appropriately with the class teacher if they are having any difficulties with the work, well before the deadline.

      Parents can support by:

      • Discussing homework with their child in order to help and encourage them;
      • Checking their child’s homework when it has been completed – insist on high standards of presentation and remind them of our key question: ‘Is it excellent yet?’
      • Notifying the school of any issues or problems that may prevent the completion of homework.

      Rewards and sanctions

      At FLHS, we believe that students should be rewarded for effort and application of their learning at home. That means we will praise continued good effort and reward pupils who apply themselves successfully to the homework set. We will also employ sanctions, where appropriate, for failure to produce what is expected and an opportunity to complete outstanding pieces.

      Extra-curricular activities

      At FLHS, we offer an extensive programme of extra-curricular opportunities and we would also encourage children to pursue out-of-school activities which will help them to further develop lifelong learning skills. For details on our extra-curricular opportunities, please see our website.

      Reviewing the policy

      The homework policy will be reviewed annually. Where significant changes to the policy are felt to be required, proposals will be presented to the governing body and parents consulted.

      Further information - Artificial Intelligence

      Detailed information about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be accessed by reading our AI Policy. To read this policy, click here.

      Faculty Homework Policies

      For faculty homework policies consult the list below.

      Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts & Photography

      Catering, Construction, Product Design, Systems Control & Textiles

      Geography, History, Religious Studies & Sociology

      Computing (Computer Science), Business Studies & Creative iMedia

      French & Spanish

      Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts & Photography

      Catering, Construction, Product Design, Systems Control & Textiles

      Geography, History, Religious Studies & Sociology

      Computing (Computer Science), Business Studies & Creative iMedia

      French & Spanish