Blended Learning

Establishing Routines

Since our return in September every year group has experienced some time in isolation due to to COVID 19. During this time students have been provided with the opportunity to access lessons via Microsoft Teams.

The following resources aim to give you advice and guidance to support your child’s learning.

A presentation has been created for you to read which will give you information on what to expect if your child needs to learn from home using Microsoft Teams and how to ensure that their learning experience is as smooth as can be by being prepared for their lessons.

Every week new videos will be published on the school’s Microsoft Stream video platform which will give lots of useful information on how to use Microsoft Teams so that your child is able to work effectively from home in the event of self isolation. Click here to log in and view the videos.

The presentation above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.