Headteacher's Presentation - KS4 Options
An introduction to KS4 Options for Parents and Carers
Headteacher's Presentation - KS4 Options
An introduction to KS4 Options for Parents and Carers
Headteacher's Presentation - KS4 Options
An introduction to KS4 Options for Parents and Carers
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Selecting subjects to study at Key Stage 4 is an exciting and nerve-racking process for students, and the guidance that we – their teachers and parents – give them is essential in helping them to make the right choices. Through the option process, we aim to provide you with all the information required to make informed choices. We must remember that the subjects chosen by the students will be studied for two years, so it is vitally important to take the time to get these choices right.
All students will study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science. Students must choose between History and Geography, and we strongly recommend that they study a Modern Foreign Language.
Students will then choose up to two or three additional option subjects. We believe it is important that students choose a balance of both academic and creative subjects. This broad and balanced curriculum will, we believe, give them the best possible chance of success.
As well as this, all students will participate in two hours of Physical Education each week, as well as a carefully balanced Personal, Social, and Health Education programme, which also includes careers education.
Through the subject selection process, we will guide learners towards courses and combinations of courses in which they will thrive. Parents and students will be invited to attend a one-to-one options meeting with a member of our senior team. It is imperative to attend this meeting with your child.
We look forward to working with you throughout this process.

Selecting subjects to study at Key Stage 4 is an exciting and nerve-racking process for students, and the guidance that we – their teachers and parents – give them is essential in helping them to make the right choices. Through the option process, we aim to provide you with all the information required to make informed choices. We must remember that the subjects chosen by the students will be studied for two years, so it is vitally important to take the time to get these choices right.
All students will study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science. Students must choose between History and Geography, and we strongly recommend that they study a Modern Foreign Language.
Students will then choose up to two or three additional option subjects. We believe it is important that students choose a balance of both academic and creative subjects. This broad and balanced curriculum will, we believe, give them the best possible chance of success.
As well as this, all students will participate in two hours of Physical Education each week, as well as a carefully balanced Personal, Social, and Health Education programme, which also includes careers education.
Through the subject selection process, we will guide learners towards courses and combinations of courses in which they will thrive. Parents and students will be invited to attend a one-to-one options meeting with a member of our senior team. It is imperative to attend this meeting with your child.
We look forward to working with you throughout this process.