
Key school policies.


Key school policies.


Key school policies.

Key school policies are available in this section.

For any policies regarding the use, storage and processing of data (including Biometic, CCTV, Data Protection Policies and Privacy Notices), please consult our GDPR policy webpage.

If you require any further information, contact us.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Accessibility Plan

This Policy was approved by:

Business Management Committee:  1 July 2024

Date for Review:  July 2027

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Attendance Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: November 2024

Date for Review:  November 2025

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.


Good behaviour is important in any school for effective teaching and learning to take place. At Fred Longworth High School (FLHS) students are treated as individuals and excellent relationships exist between staff and students, based on mutual respect. All members of the school community must understand that poor behaviour of any type will not be tolerated. High standards are achieved through clarity of expectations, an emphasis on praise and rewards and a focus on stimulating and effective teaching and learning. This policy outlines how these high standards will be achieved and covers behaviour in school and when travelling to and from school.


  1. Clarify what is meant by good behaviour.
  2. Have a clear structure and procedures for dealing with behavioural issues.
  3. Maximise the impact that the school can have on good behaviour.
  4. Help to give students, staff and parents a sense of direction and a feeling of common purpose.
  5. Help students to feel good about themselves and others.
  6. Minimise the occurrence of misbehaviour and confrontation.
  7. Ensure that all students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach.
  8. Comply with government expectations with regard to school discipline and behaviour policies.

Guidelines – students should:

  • Adhere to the classroom ground rules.
  • Not speak while the teacher or another student is speaking.
  • Enter and leave lessons in an orderly manner.
  • Be punctual.
  • Arrive with pen, pencil, ruler, relevant equipment, books and files.
  • Be given help individually when necessary.
  • Sustain hard work.
  • Contribute to the lesson, refine ideas and show good manners.
  • Show respect to staff, students and the wider community.
  • Wear full and correct school uniform.
  • Have an appropriate haircut/style which allows staff to see the student’s eyes; when hair is over a student’s face/eyes it becomes a health and safety issue and can affect the quality of teaching and learning.

The above is an extract from the full policy document which you can read in full below.

Behaviour Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee: November 2024

Date for Review: November 2025


Use of Reasonable Force Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

Searching, Screening & Confiscation Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee: October 2022

Date for Review: November 2024

Internal Exclusion Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee: October 2022

Date for Review: November 2024

The files above are provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Anti Bullying Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2025

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Equality and Diversity Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Board of Trustees: 12 December 2022

Date for Review: December 2024

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Cyber Bullying Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Online Safety Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Suspensions and Permanent Exclusion Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee:  October 2024

Date for Review:  March 2027

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Homework Policy

Published: September 2021

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Bereavement Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee: October 2022

Date for Review: November 2024

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Biometrics Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Business Management Committee: 13 March 2023

Date for Review: June 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Careers Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee: 6th June 2022

Date for Review: June 2024

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Charging & Remissions Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Business Management Committee: 11 March 2024

Date for Review: March 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Children Looked After Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: 22nd January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.


At Fred Longworth, we encourage all members of our school community to be their best through our focus on “Belonging, Engaging, Succeeding Together”. The focus on working together is particularly important as we seek to forge and maintain excellent relationships with our parents and carers. Only through this partnership approach can we provide the best possible education for all our students.

In addition to the codes of conduct already in place for staff and governors, this code of conduct aims to provide clear guidelines on how parents, carers and visitors to our school are expected to behave. It provides clarity on the types of behaviour that will not be tolerated and sets out the actions that school can take in response to any breaches of the code. Visitors to our social media sites are included within the scope of this code.

As a school, we are committed to resolving difficulties in a constructive manner and would ask that the same approach is taken by all the members of our school community. This will help us to foster the very best possible partnerships as we seek the very best education for all our students. All visitors to school should be aware that staff, including those on Reception, are entitled to be treated with respect and courtesy.

The above is an extract from the full document which you can read in full below.

Code of Conduct for Parents & Carers

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Complaints Procedure

Date of Revision: July 2024

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

At our school, we promote safe cycling through our Cycling to School Policy. For further information about this policy, click here.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Education Visits Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

For advice to candidates, please see the specific documents within our Student section.

The following specific policies govern the conduct of examinations in school.

Internal Appeals Procedures (Internal assessment decisions)

Internal Appeals Procedures (Reviews of results and appeals)

Malpractice Policy

Non-Examination Assessment Policy

The files above are provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

First Aid Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: 22nd January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Intimate / Personal Care Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Pastoral Committee of the Board of Trustees: 4th March 2024

Date for Review: March 2027

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Mental Health Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee of the Governing Body: 6th June 2022

Date for Review: June 2024

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Mobile Phone Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Trustees’ Pastoral Committee: March 2024

Date for Review: March 2027

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Provider Access Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Full Governing Body: 25 March 2019

Date for Review: March 2022

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

The Pupil Premium is additional funding which is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of pupils who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’) and Service Children including those who were eligible for the Service child premium at any point in the last three years (known as ‘Ever 3 Service Child’). Students in care, who have been looked after by local authorities for more than six months also continue to qualify for the Pupil Premium. The Pupil Premium is aimed at addressing the current underlying inequalities which exist between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their more affluent peers.


The purpose of this policy is to outline how we will ensure that the Pupil Premium allocated to us has an impact on narrowing the attainment gaps which currently exist between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

As a school in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, we are accountable to our parents and school community for how we are using this additional resource to narrow the achievement gaps of our pupils.


At Fred Longworth High School all members of staff and governors accept responsibility for those pupils recognised as ‘disadvantaged’ and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs. Every child who is considered to be ‘disadvantaged’ is valued, respected and entitled to develop to his/her full potential irrespective of disadvantage.


In making decisions on the use of the Pupil Premium we will:

  • ensure that Pupil Premium funding allocated to our school is used solely for its intended purpose.
  • use the latest evidence based research on proven strategies which work to narrow the attainment gaps and adapt these as necessary to meet the needs of our pupils.
  • be transparent in our reporting of how we have used the Pupil Premium, so that our parents, interested stakeholders and Ofsted are fully aware of how this additional resource has been used to make a difference.
  • encourage take up of Pupil Premium by working proactively with our parents and carers in a sensitive and supportive manner and to remove any potential barriers or stigma attached to claiming Pupil Premium. In doing so, we also recognise the vital role that parents and carers play in the lives of their children.
  • recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged or underachieving. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged or vulnerable are registered or qualify for free school meals. We therefore reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged or vulnerable.
  • be mindful of the fact that eligibility and take up of Pupil Premium does not equate with pupils being considered to be of ‘low ability’ because of their social circumstances.
  • ensure there is robust monitoring and evaluation in place to account for the use of the Pupil Premium, by the school and governing body.
  • recognise the fact that Pupil Premium pupils are not a homogeneous group and cover a wide range of needs. As such the strategies we use to raise attainment will take these group and individual needs fully into account
  • monitor progress of pupils within each year group to ensure pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are making progress across the whole curriculum.
  • use high quality teaching and learning as the preferred way to narrow the gaps in attainment in the first instance. We will also use high quality interventions with proven evidence of impact to assist our pupils who need additional support in a time limited way.
  • use the Pupil Premium for all year groups not just those taking examinations at the end of the year.

Link to The Education Endowment Foundation, Teaching and Learning Toolkit



We expect all members of our school community, particularly staff and governors to be committed to raising standards and narrowing the attainment gaps for our pupils.

The Senior Leadership Team at Fred Longworth High School are responsible for the implementation of this policy, with the overview provided by the Deputy Headteacher responsible for Learning and Standards. As a team, we will ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in narrowing the gaps of our pupils and that disadvantaged pupils remain a high profile cohort within the school. We will also ensure that staff are given appropriate support and relevant professional development opportunities to accelerate pupil’s progress and attainment. The use of  Pupil Premium funding will be monitored regularly to check to see that it is providing value for money.

It will be the responsibility of the Head teacher to report to Governors on:

  • the progress made towards narrowing the gap, by year group, for disadvantaged pupils,
  • an outline of the provision that has been made since the last report
  • an evaluation of the cost effectiveness, in terms of the progress made by the pupils receiving a particular provision, when compared with other forms of support.


Through classroom teaching, effective pastoral care, additional support strategies; teaching and support staff will:

  • maintain the highest expectations of all pupils and not equate disadvantage of circumstance with ‘low ability’,
  • promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos in their classrooms which enable pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to thrive.
  • plan and deliver curricula and lessons to a high standard and support the acceleration of progress in learning, so that gaps can be narrowed and improvements maintained.
  • support disadvantaged groups of pupils in their class through differentiated planning and teaching, especially for those who find aspects of learning difficult and are in danger of falling behind.
  • keep up-to-date with teaching strategies and research, which have proven track record in narrowing the gaps in attainment and achievement.
  • provide opportunities for staff to engage in a range of professional development opportunities suited to their particular needs and role. This will support them in implementing successful strategies to accelerate progress of pupils and narrow the gaps.
  • support disadvantaged groups of pupils in accessing the curriculum through the identification of barriers to learning and finding strategies to make progress.


Our governing body has an important role in ensuring our school complies with legislation and that this policy, along with its specific stated actions for narrowing the gaps is implemented.

In monitoring and evaluating the work of the school in relation to the Pupil Premium, the governing body will take into account a range of information, including quantitative (data on progress and attainment) and qualitative (case studies, views, surveys etc.) data as evidence of impact.


Our work in relation to the Pupil Premium will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is having the intended impact. This will allow us to make adjustments if particular strategies are not working well. In reviewing out strategies we recognise the importance of context, we will evaluate new strategies as robustly as possible to ensure that the approaches we are using have the desired effect.

Date for Review: November 2023

Statement authorised by: Paul Davies
Governor / Trustee Lead: Myles Hughes

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals or who have been looked after continuously for more than six months.

You can download a copy of this document below.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023/24

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Safeguarding Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Standards Committee: November 2024

Date for Review: November 2025

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Special Educational Needs Policy (SEND)

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: January 2024

Date for Review: January 2026

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of the Special Educational Needs and Disability SEND Local Offer from Fred Longworth High School below.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer from Fred Longworth High School

This Policy was approved by:

The Board of Trustees: September 2024

Date for Review: July 2025

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Pastoral Committee: 6th June 2022

Date for Review: June 2024

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

For information and guidance on our School Uniform, click here.

For information and guidance about our PE uniforms, click here.

For details on where to buy our uniforms from our approved uniform suppliers, click here.

For details on the required equipment needed by students for school lessons, click here.

You can download a copy of this policy below.

Work Experience Policy

This Policy was approved by:

Standards Committee of The Governing Body: 2 March 2020

Date for Review: Live

The file above is provided in PDF format and will open on most computers, tablets and smartphones without the need for additional software, but if you need to download a reader follow this link (computers only) or on tablets and smartphones use the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores.

To view this policy, click here.