Promoting Excellence through CPD
Promoting Excellence through CPD
Promoting Excellence through CPD
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Our Vision:
We want all staff at Fred Longworth to experience a sense of belonging as a valued member of the Freddie’s community. We want our staff to take pride in their work and feel supported to be able to do their job to the best of their ability. We expect all staff to engage with our Freddie’s BEST standards to ensure effective provision in the classroom, across the wider Faculty and ultimately across school. We want all staff to continually seek to develop their own practice and experience a sense of success when they have made a positive impact on a child’s life or a positive impact on the overall performance of their team and the wider school. We want every member of the Freddie’s staff to work together in an environment of collaboration which strives towards excellence.
Freddie’s BEST Standards for Excellence:
In order to achieve our vision we have created a set of ‘BEST Standards’ as a way of ensuring excellent quality of provision at our school. As part of Performance Development at Freddie’s, teaching staff are expected to engage with the standards of classroom practice as listed below:
Freddie’s BEST Standards of Classroom Excellence
- Promote high expectations and excellent attitudes to learning
- Plan and teach well- structured lessons which make effective use of learning time, build knowledge and vocabulary and develop long term memory
- Promote high levels of oracy, literacy, vocabulary and encourage reading at every opportunity.
- Know the students that they teach/work with, have high expectation for all and respond to their needs accordingly
- Ensure assessment, marking and feedback is purposeful, timely and informs students of their next steps in learning. Have a clear understanding of what is being assessed, when, why, how and use this information to inform their planning
- Use subject knowledge to deepen students’ understanding of the curriculum and, where applicable, the wider PD curriculum
- Consistently adhere to the five Freddie’s behaviour strands in order to create a safe, positive environment where students can learn and thrive, and teachers can teach effectively
- Demonstrate the determination to make a broad impact on our school
Leadership at Freddie’s:
At Freddie’s we believe that developing the quality of leadership in our school is the key to school improvement. In order to do this we aim to provide all of our Senior, Middle Leaders and aspiring leaders with the opportunity to develop their skills through training and development in the following standards of excellence in leadership:
Freddie’s BEST Standards of Excellence in Leadership
- Values and vision
- Mission and Drive
- Personal Drive
- Self-Awareness
Our BEST Standards of Excellence in Leadership were devised in conjunction with The Chartered Management Institute. As a school we are also linked to Karen Ardley Associates for quality training and development.
Performance Development:
In order to drive the quality of provision at Fred Longworth, we want staff to invest in a culture of continuous improvement and performance development. Below are our Professional Development Objectives
Objective 1: Demonstrate engagement with the FLHS BEST standards of excellence
Objective 2: Design and engage in an Action Research project which contributes to the development of the curriculum and the quality of provision using the following structure: What impact does [what practice?] delivered [over how long?] have on [what outcome?] for [whom – e.g. vulnerable students?]?
- This inquiry should be underpinned by an analysis of student outcomes, curriculum provision and areas for development identified during appraisals with Line Managers
Objective 3 for SLT, Middle Leaders and post holders: Demonstrate engagement with the FLHS BEST standards of excellence in leadership
Continually Striving for Success - CPD at FLHS

During the academic year the school will close at 2pm every Monday week B to allow staff to fully engage in professional development opportunities that will enhance the teaching and learning across school. All teaching staff and Learning Coaches have created their own Action Research Projects which will be used to drive the focus of their own professional development.
This year’s Action Research projects are focusing upon the following:
- Formative assessment
- Curriculum development
- Homework provision
- Reading
- Developing writing skills
- Creating high quality schemes of learning
- Supporting SEND students
- Personal Development
- Interdisciplinary links
- Raising the achievement of boys
- Dual Coding and information design
Weekly Management Board meetings with Heads of Faculty take place in order to provide an opportunity for Heads of Faculty and Senior Leadership Team to discuss key priorities. Heads of Faculty play a key role in the strategic development of pedagogy.
Further professional development opportunities:
- ECT and ITT programmes of training are in place
- Primary transition projects
- Teaching and Learning library/’swop shop’ available in the staffroom
- ‘Teachers of……’ training and development sessions
- ‘Market Place’ activities to provide opportunity for sharing good practice
- New staff induction programme

During the academic year the school will close at 2pm every Monday week B to allow staff to fully engage in professional development opportunities that will enhance the teaching and learning across school. All teaching staff and Learning Coaches have created their own Action Research Projects which will be used to drive the focus of their own professional development.
This year’s Action Research projects are focusing upon the following:
- Formative assessment
- Curriculum development
- Homework provision
- Reading
- Developing writing skills
- Creating high quality schemes of learning
- Supporting SEND students
- Personal Development
- Interdisciplinary links
- Raising the achievement of boys
- Dual Coding and information design
Weekly Management Board meetings with Heads of Faculty take place in order to provide an opportunity for Heads of Faculty and Senior Leadership Team to discuss key priorities. Heads of Faculty play a key role in the strategic development of pedagogy.
Further professional development opportunities:
- ECT and ITT programmes of training are in place
- Primary transition projects
- Teaching and Learning library/’swop shop’ available in the staffroom
- ‘Teachers of……’ training and development sessions
- ‘Market Place’ activities to provide opportunity for sharing good practice
- New staff induction programme
Working with our Learning Coaches

Our Learning Coaches are integral to the overall effectiveness of teaching and learning at Fred Longworth. This year they will all undertake their own Action Research Project in order to enhance their skills, reflect upon current practice and develop pedagogy. Learning Coaches are invited and encouraged to attend all whole school training events as well as take part in specific team training and development sessions throughout the year.
Training and development has included:
- How to be an effective Learning Coach team
- Improving Numeracy and Literacy skills
- Moving the whole school forward TOGETHER (focussing upon whole school priorities)
- Working with students who have ADHD
- Restorative approaches and dealing with challenging behaviour
- Emotional Health and Well Being
- Helping children to build resilience