FLHS BEST Character Values
FLHS BEST Character Values
FLHS BEST Character Values
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This term we are focusing on developing our students’ character as part of our overall work on Personal Development. These are the key aspects of character that we want to work on and they are closely linked to our BEST values.
Over the next few weeks in assemblies as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Motivation – linking this to ‘how can we achieve and be successful’. Key information on motivation and tips for developing it are included below.

Over the next few weeks in assemblies as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Kindness – linking this to ‘how can we help others and develop the sense of belonging and community at Freddies’. Key information on kindness is included below.

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Positivity and the power of positive thinking – linking this to ‘how can we be even more effective and engage in learning at a higher level at Freddies’. Key information on ‘being positive’ is included below.

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Being Proud. If students are Proud of their achievements, they will have a thirst and an energy to achieve more – so this is an important quality to develop here at Freddies. We also want students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘being proud’ is included below.

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Being Tolerant. If students are Tolerant of others, they will accept other students’ differences, develop a healthy respect for one another and learn to live in a rich and diverse community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘being tolerant’ is included below.

Another of our key character areas that we aim to develop is for our students to have Respect. If our students Respect others, they will form good relationships with each other and staff; this will help us to develop a cohesive and tolerant school community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘respect’ is included below.

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Empathy. If students have empathy, they will help and understand each other better, and learn to live in a rich and diverse community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘having empathy’ is included below.

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is Confidence. If students are confident, they are likely to be motivated, perform well, form good relationships and they will believe in themselves. A confident student is more likely to succeed than one who lacks confidence. Key information on ‘being confident’ is included below.

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is Resilience. This is particularly important as we move towards the latter end of this half term and students start to get tired. If students are resilient, they will be able to overcome adversity, keep going with high levels of motivation, and they are more likely to succeed. Being resilient takes time to develop and can only be achieved by pushing through challenging situations. Key information on ‘being resilient’ is included below.

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Trustworthy. Being trustworthy is one a key area to developing friendships and it will enable others to think highly of us. People want to see that we are honest and that we will be sincere and have integrity – others important personal qualities for us to develop. Key information on ‘being trustworthy’ is included below.

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Courageous. Having courage can be difficult as it is also linked to confidence and resilience; however students who show courage in themselves and in certain situations are more likely to be successful. Key information on ‘being courageous’ is included below.

The final character trait that we will be focusing on is being committed. Having commitment is a key character value as it means that we can sustain our effort and perform over a period of time. It is linked to resilience and motivation. Look at how Kevin Sinfield has shown incredible commitment recently competing 7 ultra-marathons in 7 days! Key information on being committed is found below: