Character - Kindness
‘The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate’.
Character - Kindness
‘The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate’.
Character - Kindness
‘The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate’.
Home > FLHS BEST Character Values > Character – Kindness
Over the next few weeks in assemblies as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Kindness – linking this to ‘how can we help others and develop the sense of belonging and community at Freddies’. Key information on kindness is included below.

Some of the following information is provided from the website ‘Select Health’.
This means the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
In what ways could we show kindness?
Focus on others:
Kindness puts others at the centre. It is not focused on how it will benefit us or how many likes we can get on social media. True kindness, above all, comes from a place of compassion, understanding, and goodwill.
Be there to listen:
Being a good listener is undervalued. A lot of the time, we listen only to respond. Being there to listen intently to a friend or family member can relieve stress, pressure, and anxiety.
Stay connected:
There is no excuse for not checking in and connecting with family and friends when we have access to immediate communication. A simple check-in text or call lets others know you are thinking of them. When available, connecting face to face offers something a text or phone call cannot.
Expect good things to happen and be a positive light:
Having a positive mental state and being optimistic helps you spread the same to those around you. It also attracts the same type of energy.
Smile at others:
What happens when someone passes you and smiles? We are triggered to smile back. Smiling is contagious and has a positive effect on our mental health. It makes us feel better and acknowledged. Often a positive word, smile or gesture can make a person’s day.
Compliment others:
Complimenting others is an easy way to show kindness. It helps others feel seen, releasing a boost of endorphins associated with the reward centres of the brain. Others will appreciate your kind words and praise and it shows that you have noticed others for their actions and strengths.
Say “Thank You”:
A genuine “Thank You” and “I’m Sorry” carries a lot of meaning. Gratitude and apologies show that we are accountable for our actions and respect the other person involved.
Bonus: Be kind to yourself:
Don’t forget that self-compassion is just as important and essential as showing kindness to those around you. If you are unable to accept self-compassion and find value in yourself, it will be harder to spread kindness.
Why kindness is so important?
When we practice kindness either to other people or towards ourselves we can experience positive mental and physical changes through lowering stress levels and increasing the body’s production of feel-good hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin. Research has shown that we feel better ourselves when we do good things for other people – think of which people deserve acts of kindness from you and how you might do this.