Character - Proud
‘Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.’
Character - Proud
‘Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.’
Character - Proud
‘Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.’
Home > FLHS BEST Character Values > Character – Proud
Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Being Proud. If students are Proud of their achievements, they will have a thirst and an energy to achieve more – so this is an important quality to develop here at Freddies. We also want students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘being proud’ is included below.

This can be defined as:
Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated
What does being proud mean?
When you are proud, you are feeling pride, or satisfaction with yourself. The word proud can also mean too much of this feeling––sometimes saying someone is proud is the same as saying they’re arrogant. This is not how we perceive feelings of pride and being proud at Freddies – we see this as a positive quality which leads to students potentially working even harder. It’s also possible to feel proud of someone else.
Is proud a positive word?
Proud implies sensitiveness, lofty self-respect, or jealous preservation of one’s dignity, station, and the like. It may refer to an affectionate admiration of or a justifiable pride concerning someone else: proud of his son.
How do you use the word proud?
Proud sentence examples:
- She was proud of him. …
- How proud the mother will be of her brave boy …
- Pearl is a very proud mother-dog now. …
- That clinic was his baby and he was proud of it. …
- He was so proud of it. …
- This made him very proud of his skill.
At school right now hundreds of students are collecting rewards for their excellent work. Many are now wearing BADGES for achieving 100/150 and 200 rewards. They are PROUD of their achievements. Well done to all students who are achieving high numbers of rewards.
Week beginning 9th May we are promoting our SUMMER END OF TERM TRIPS. We want students to feel that sense of pride as they achieve the criteria to attend these trips.