Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 93
- July 12, 2024
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 93
- July 12, 2024
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents & Carers,
As we approach the end of term, this will be my final message to parents this academic year via this forum; however, you will receive my end of term letter next week which will contain key updates and information.
As a reminder, the summer term ends on Friday 19th July and the school day will finish at 12:15pm. The preceding day (Thursday 18th July) is activities day and this day, along with the final day, will be a non-uniform day. We would ask students on the last day of term to donate £1:00 which will be given to the Claire House Children’s Hospice which is very close to the school’s heart at present.
I would also like to make you aware of our uniform exchange. If you have old items of uniform or school shoes which are in good condition, please could you consider donating this to school so that we can help other families. Please contact your child’s Head of Year if you are able to assist with this, or alternatively bring your donations in and leave them with our reception staff. Many thanks for this.
I would also like to make parents aware of various offers available from a variety of retailers over the summer holidays. Further information can be found at the Money Saving Central website.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Davies.
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents & Carers,
As we approach the end of term, this will be my final message to parents this academic year via this forum; however, you will receive my end of term letter next week which will contain key updates and information.
As a reminder, the summer term ends on Friday 19th July and the school day will finish at 12:15pm. The preceding day (Thursday 18th July) is activities day and this day, along with the final day, will be a non-uniform day.
We would ask students on the last day of term to donate £1:00 which will be given to the Claire House Children’s Hospice which is very close to the school’s heart at present.
I would also like to make you aware of our uniform exchange. If you have old items of uniform or school shoes which are in good condition, please could you consider donating this to school so that we can help other families. Please contact your child’s Head of Year if you are able to assist with this, or alternatively bring your donations in and leave them with our reception staff. Many thanks for this.
I would also like to make parents aware of various offers available from a variety of retailers over the summer holidays. Further information can be found at the Money Saving Central website.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Davies.

Things to celebrate

- On Monday, we hosted our student-led conferences which were once again a huge success. We would like to thank all parents and carers for attending and pass on our congratulations to the students for their reflections on their progress this year.
- On Wednesday, our Year 10 students attended their college taster days. Our students were a credit to us, and we hope they enjoyed the experience.
- On Wednesday evening, our Music department hosted a summer concert at St George’s Church. A huge well done to all involved for a wonderful evening’s entertainment.
- On Wednesday, a team of Year 7 students have taken part in the final of the national careers challenge today, set by air products. Their idea was hydro health about how to make our local transport more energy efficient by using hydrogen. It’s been an amazing event and the students have been brilliant.
- On Thursday, Year 10 had a fantastic day at Wigan and Leigh College and Bolton Sixth Form. They took part in a variety of activities giving them an insight into life after Freddie’s. Their behaviour was exemplary and the colleges commented on their manners and their fantastic work ethic. Thank you to both Wigan and Leigh and Bolton Sixth Form for the opportunity, it is greatly appreciated. Blue ties flying the flag for Freddie’s!
Extra Curricular Activities

At FLHS we offer our students a wide variety of other extra curricular activities, including STEM club, Music, Drama, Art and many more. For further details, click here.
- Sporting Success this week
Swimming Record Breaker
Maddison Davies broke the record for 200m backstroke in the U12’s and the open age group, winning gold medals in both events.
Congratulations to the Year 9 Cricket team who have progressed into the Lancashire Cricket School Plate Finals after winning their semi-final against Stanley High School. Well done team and good luck for Tuesday!
Sporting Success this week
Swimming Record Breaker
Maddison Davies broke the record for 200m backstroke in the U12’s and the open age group, winning gold medals in both events.
Congratulations to the Year 9 Cricket team who have progressed into the Lancashire Cricket School Plate Finals after winning their semi-final against Stanley High School. Well done team and good luck for Tuesday!
School Reminders
School Activities/Trip Day
Thursday 18th July is our school activities/trip day. Students are permitted to wear non-uniform on this day.
Final Day of Term
School closes on Friday 19th July at 12.15pm. Students are permitted to wear non-uniform, but we ask that they donate £1 to our chosen charity which is Claire House Children’s Hospice.
Summer Homework - Year 10
Summer homework will be set for all of our current Year 10 students who will be moving into Year 11 in September to support their readiness for Year 11.
Spain Disney 2025
Letters for next year’s Spain Disney trip are available for collection from reception.
Careers Facebook Page
We have launched our new careers Facebook page which contains careers, post 16 and college information. The link below will take you directly to the page.
General Reminder
Could we please remind all parents and carers that if your child has chosen to wear the summer uniform, skirts must be worn at an appropriate length and socks much be plain black with no bows. Thank you for your support with this.
Did you know that you can read previous editions of Freddie’s Focus from this Academic Year? To do so, click here.
School Reminders
School Activities/Trip Day
Thursday 18th July is our school activities/trip day. Students are permitted to wear non-uniform on this day.
Final Day of Term
School closes on Friday 19th July at 12.15pm. Students are permitted to wear non-uniform, but we ask that they donate £1 to our chosen charity which is Claire House Children’s Hospice.
Summer Homework - Year 10
Summer homework will be set for all of our current Year 10 students who will be moving into Year 11 in September to support their readiness for Year 11.
Spain Disney 2025
Letters for next year’s Spain Disney trip are available for collection from reception.
Careers Facebook Page
We have launched our new careers Facebook page which contains careers, post 16 and college information. The link below will take you directly to the page.
General Reminder
Could we please remind all parents and carers that if your child has chosen to wear the summer uniform, skirts must be worn at an appropriate length and socks much be plain black with no bows. Thank you for your support with this.
Did you know that you can read previous editions of Freddie’s Focus from this Academic Year? To do so, click here.
Homework and Independent Learning
The OSCAR model is used to support our students with independent learning at home:

Applications that we use for learning
The following applications are used by our students during their time at FLHS to aid their learning. You can learn more about them below.
Microsoft Office
Did you know that your child can access Microsoft Office at home for free? As a student at Fred Longworth High School, your child is allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. Click on the button below to learn more.

Satchel:One is the school online learning platform for students and is the parental portal for all information related to your child’s overall progress within school. You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.

GCSEPod is an online study platform and is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. GCSEPod provides 3-5 minute bursts of audio-visual, teacher written learning which can help to reinforce and consolidate key GCSE topics covered in lessons. Experts read and explain everything clearly including all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and diagrams on screen. GCSEPod is only available to students in Year 10 and Year 11.

Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
We want to do all we can to support your child to be in school every day and ask that you support this important message from home, encouraging your child to avoid missing curriculum content through absence. Here is a breakdown of the absences for the following attendance percentages: