Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Things to celebrate

  • This week we have hosted our attendance breakfast for all of our students who have achieved above 95% attendance. 
  • On Thursday morning our Year 11 students received their mock examination resultsWe hope for many, this will provide a clear picture of where they are currently at, where the gaps are and what they must do to ensure every success when it comes to their real exams. 
  • Adam Corbally, ex ‘Apprentice’ star  has been in with the Y10 students this week for their enterprise challenge that they have been working on since September. The students have had the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to Adam to win some prizes and showcase the work they have been doing.
  • On Friday our Year 7 students had the opportunity to meet and question Phil Earle, author of the book ‘When the Sky Falls’.
  • On Sunday our Brass band are performing in a joint concert with the British Army Brass Band Catterick. Freddie’s Band will open the concert and our program will feature a solo by our principal cornet, Grace Anderson (Y8). The army band will perform, and then the two bands will form a massed band and perform three pieces for the finale – ‘You can’t stop the beat’, the hymn ‘Manchester’, and ‘Prismatic Light’. The army band will also speak to the Freddie’s players in the afternoon about careers as a musician in the armed forces.
  • Indoor athletics event

    A group of Y10 sports students helped at the ATSA KS1 indoor athletics event last Friday. This was a great opportunity for the students to show case their leadership skills and Mr Grogan and the staff involved were very impressed with their contribution. Well done to everyone involved.

  • Climbing assessment

    Another group of Y10 sports studies students visited Howe Bridge last Friday to complete their climbing assessment for their OAA unit. The students demonstrated a great attitude and overcame many personal challenges to climb the walls. Mr Gregory was very impressed with the student's skill application and levels of resilience.

  • Football event

    A massive well done and thank you to Tommy Hampson (Y11) & Olivia Wells (Y8) for officiating the KS2 ATSA football event on Friday after school. Again, there was positive feedback from the staff and students involved. If anyone would like to officiate any football games moving forwards, please see Mr Gregory, the games will take place on the school 3G every Monday and Friday after school.

Sporting Success this week

  • Indoor athletics event

    A group of Y10 sports students helped at the ATSA KS1 indoor athletics event last Friday. This was a great opportunity for the students to show case their leadership skills and Mr Grogan and the staff involved were very impressed with their contribution. Well done to everyone involved.

  • Climbing assessment

    Another group of Y10 sports studies students visited Howe Bridge last Friday to complete their climbing assessment for their OAA unit. The students demonstrated a great attitude and overcame many personal challenges to climb the walls. Mr Gregory was very impressed with the student's skill application and levels of resilience.

  • Football event

    A massive well done and thank you to Tommy Hampson (Y11) & Olivia Wells (Y8) for officiating the KS2 ATSA football event on Friday after school. Again, there was positive feedback from the staff and students involved. If anyone would like to officiate any football games moving forwards, please see Mr Gregory, the games will take place on the school 3G every Monday and Friday after school.

School Reminders

  • Year 11 Parents' Evening

    Year 11 Parents’ Evening will take place in school on Thursday 25th January from 4.30pm.

  • Year 10 GCSE Event

    On Thursday 8th February we will be hosting an event for our Year 10 parents and carers at 6.30pm. This event aims to provide advice for parents and carers regarding supporting your child through GCSEs. A letter will be sent out next week containing further details.

  • Good Manners

    This term, we are going to have a huge focus on good manners – encouraging our young people to be the best version of themselves that they can, responding with respect and kindness.

  • General Reminder

    In light of the recent cold weather, could we please ask for your support in ensuring that your child comes to school in a suitable school coat. For further information regarding suitable school coats, please consult our school uniform policy.

School Reminders

  • Year 11 Parents' Evening

    Year 11 Parents’ Evening will take place in school on Thursday 25th January from 4.30pm.

  • Year 10 GCSE Event

    On Thursday 8th February we will be hosting an event for our Year 10 parents and carers at 6.30pm. This event aims to provide advice for parents and carers regarding supporting your child through GCSEs. A letter will be sent out next week containing further details.

  • Good Manners

    This term, we are going to have a huge focus on good manners – encouraging our young people to be the best version of themselves that they can, responding with respect and kindness.

  • General Reminder

    In light of the recent cold weather, could we please ask for your support in ensuring that your child comes to school in a suitable school coat. For further information regarding suitable school coats, please consult our school uniform policy.

How we learn

The working memory has a very limited capacity.  Information stored in the working memory that is not rehearsed can be lost between 18 to 30 seconds.  This means that we need to do something with that information and regularly revisit that information to make it stick and remain in the long-term memory. In schools, we use ‘Retrieval tasks’ to help information stick. These tasks include:

  • ‘Do Now’ starter questions based on prior learning  
  • Quick quizzes during lessons  
  • Regular testing of things recently learned – from last lesson, last term and last year  
  • Using images alongside words (dual coding)  
  • Re-visiting information through our interleaved curriculum  
  • Knowledge Organisers which we return to and can use for tests  
  • Presenting/organising information in a different way such as through graphic organisers  
  • Setting homework tasks that will help your child to retrieve information 

Parents and carers can support their children at home to retrieve material learned in class so that it has more chance of sticking.  Encouraging children to create their own mini quizzes based on their learning is a great way of doing this.  Even better if you then become the quiz master and test them on the questions that they have created.

The video below shows a short clip which explains how learning happens.

Homework and Self-directed study

Microsoft Office

Did you know that your child can access Microsoft Office at home for free? As a student at Fred Longworth High School, your child is allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. Click on the button below to learn more.


You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.

Homework Club

Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.


We want to do all we can to support your child to be in school every day and ask that you support this important message from home, encouraging your child to avoid missing curriculum content through absence.  Here is a breakdown of the absences for the following attendance percentages:

Thank you for your continued support with attendance.

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
With the extreme cold weather this week, we recognise that it has made journeys to school more difficult for some. When students have arrived late with genuine reasons this week, lates detentions have not been issued. Going forward, I just want to reiterate to all parents how we would normally deal with lateness to school.
Students who arrive at the school after the bell has rung at 8:35 or who are not in their Line Ups at 8:35 will be marked late and they will be issued a lates detention. Our reason for doing this is simple, it is to instil the habit of good punctuality which is a key life skill.
If there is a genuine reason why your child is going to be late for school and to avoid a lates detention, please inform us.
On another note, if you have not see my letter that was sent home this week a link to it can be found below. This contains updates about the lunchtime arrangements and changes to the school day from after February  half term, rewards, uniform and attendance.
Mr Davies.