Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents & Carers,

Each day at Freddie’s we want to provide each child with the BEST experience possible. Over the last weekend, I had the distinct pleasure of attending a training session with all of our Subject Leaders and Heads of Year to plan how we can refine and develop our curriculum and to improve the systems and routines we have implemented in our school. I was incredibly grateful to our staff for giving up their time at the weekend to work on these important areas. Your children are very lucky to be taught by such a dedicated team. Two external visitors toured the school last week and visited lessons. The atmosphere around school was incredible and the focus and behaviour of our students was exceptional.

As students come into school each day, we want them to feel very much part of the Freddie’s Family and to give them every opportunity to excel and to be the BEST version of themselves. Some of our children, sadly, come to school facing many challenges and bring with them difficulties. We want them all to know that we are here to support them. I share with you the signs that welcome our children at the entrance to the school. 

Thank-you for your continued support.

Mr Davies.

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents & Carers,

Each day at Freddie’s we want to provide each child with the BEST experience possible. Over the last weekend, I had the distinct pleasure of attending a training session with all of our Subject Leaders and Heads of Year to plan how we can refine and develop our curriculum and to improve the systems and routines we have implemented in our school. I was incredibly grateful to our staff for giving up their time at the weekend to work on these important areas. Your children are very lucky to be taught by such a dedicated team. Two external visitors toured the school last week and visited lessons. The atmosphere around school was incredible and the focus and behaviour of our students was exceptional.

As students come into school each day, we want them to feel very much part of the Freddie’s Family and to give them every opportunity to excel and to be the BEST version of themselves. Some of our children, sadly, come to school facing many challenges and bring with them difficulties. We want them all to know that we are here to support them. I share with you the signs that welcome our children at the entrance to the school. 

Thank-you for your continued support.

Mr Davies.

Things to celebrate

  • This week, we have welcomed Year 6 students into school for their Taster sessionsIt has been lovely to see their engagement in lessons.
  • On Thursday evening, we hosted our Year 11 launch nightIt was wonderful to see so many parents and carers in attendance.
  • We have been incredibly impressed with the number of students who are already taking part in our extra-curricular activitiesThere is so much on offer at Freddie’sPlease encourage your child to get involved.
  • This week, our Y10 GCSE Dance students visited  the home of Phoenix Dance Theatre to take part in a conference about one of the GCSE Anthology works. This was an incredibly valuable opportunity, and our students were a credit to our school.
  • Our Deputy Head Girl, Isabella Paxford, is performing as Miss Hannigan in a production of ‘Annie’ over the weekend at the Darwen Library Theatre. Break a leg, Izzy!
  • Trampoline Championships

    Hugo Vincent Dootson in Year 7 competed at the Trampoline National League Championship in Newcastle last weekend where he came 3rd in the overall final. He is really pleased with his performance because he achieved a personal best in execution and time of flight. Well done, Hugo.

  • Cricket Runners up

    Well done to our Under 14s cricket team who came runners up in the Lancashire School Plate Cricket Competition.

  • Lancashire Cricket

    Poppy Entwistle has been part of the County Age Group Lancashire Cricket setup throughout her time at Freddie’s and has been playing in the U15 Lancashire cricket team this season even though she is a year younger. We would like to wish her all the best as she continues to represent Lancashire as part of the U15 squad for the 2025 season.

We are always excited to learn of any sporting successes outside of school so we can celebrate the student’s achievements. Please can parents email Mr Gregory with any information so we can share with everyone on Freddie’s Focus gregoryi@flhs.wigan.sch.uk 

Sporting Success this week

  • Trampoline Championships

    Hugo Vincent Dootson in Year 7 competed at the Trampoline National League Championship in Newcastle last weekend where he came 3rd in the overall final. He is really pleased with his performance because he achieved a personal best in execution and time of flight. Well done, Hugo.

  • Cricket Runners up

    Well done to our Under 14s cricket team who came runners up in the Lancashire School Plate Cricket Competition.

  • Lancashire Cricket

    Poppy Entwistle has been part of the County Age Group Lancashire Cricket setup throughout her time at Freddie’s and has been playing in the U15 Lancashire cricket team this season even though she is a year younger. We would like to wish her all the best as she continues to represent Lancashire as part of the U15 squad for the 2025 season.

We are always excited to learn of any sporting successes outside of school so we can celebrate the student’s achievements. Please can parents email Mr Gregory with any information so we can share with everyone on Freddie’s Focus gregoryi@flhs.wigan.sch.uk 

Extra Curricular Activities

The PE extra-curricular timetable is now available for everyone to see and the programme is now up and running. All students are welcome to attend the sessions, and we look forward to seeing you. 

School Reminders

  • Open Evening

    On Wednesday 25th September we are holding our Open Evening. This event will commence at 4.30pm. All of our student guides should have returned their permission slips this week.

  • Year 10 Launch Event

    On Thursday 10th October we are hosting our Year 10 launch night from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the main hall. This event is for parents and carers only and will provide you with important information and advice on how to support your child through their GCSE journey.

  • Year 7 Raising Achievement

    On Thursday 17th October we are hosting our Year 7 Raising Achievement event from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the main hall. This event is for parents and carers only and will provide you with key information regarding how to support your child through their time at Freddie’s. At 7.45pm to 8.15pm, we will be holding the Winmarleigh presentation for parents and carers whose children will be attending this residential.

  • Belgium Trip Meeting

    The Belgium trip meeting for parents will take place on Thursday 3rd October. A letter containing further information will be sent out today.

  • General Reminder

    Could we please ask for your support in ensuring that your child is fully equipped and ready to learn. This includes your child bringing their laminated timetable with them to school every day.

School Reminders

  • Open Evening

    On Wednesday 25th September we are holding our Open Evening. This event will commence at 4.30pm. All of our student guides should have returned their permission slips this week.

  • Year 10 Launch Event

    On Thursday 10th October we are hosting our Year 10 launch night from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the main hall. This event is for parents and carers only and will provide you with important information and advice on how to support your child through their GCSE journey.

  • Year 7 Raising Achievement

    On Thursday 17th October we are hosting our Year 7 Raising Achievement event from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the main hall. This event is for parents and carers only and will provide you with key information regarding how to support your child through their time at Freddie’s. At 7.45pm to 8.15pm, we will be holding the Winmarleigh presentation for parents and carers whose children will be attending this residential.

  • Belgium Trip Meeting

    The Belgium trip meeting for parents will take place on Thursday 3rd October. A letter containing further information will be sent out today.

  • General Reminder

    Could we please ask for your support in ensuring that your child is fully equipped and ready to learn. This includes your child bringing their laminated timetable with them to school every day.

What we do at Freddie's and why we do it

‘Habits accelerate learning’

During lessons we use the ‘Learning behaviour wheel’ to ensure that all talk in lessons is purposeful and enhances your child’s learning experienceWe want our students to be excellent orators and communicators which is why partner and group work is an aspect of our teaching that we encourage where appropriate. 

‘Independent silent study is a vital part of your child’s learning experienceAt key points in lessons teachers will use this for a period of time to allow students to fully focus and apply their understanding to a specific task without any distractionsThis is a valuable opportunity for teachers to then circulate and see how well students have understood the work and offer support where necessary.

Homework and Independent Learning

The OSCAR model is something that we are promoting at Freddie’s in order to support your child with independent/self-directed study at home.

The ‘O’ stands for organisation. To support your child with this important skill, the following questions and prompts may be useful: 

  • Start by checking your satchel on ‘Satchel One’ to see what homework has been set and what your priority homework is tonight 
  • Prepare your resources and equipment so that you have everything to hand before you start your homework. 
  • Decide on your outcome: What are you aiming to know or have practised in this time? 

Applications that we use for learning

The following applications are used by our students during their time at FLHS to aid their learning. You can learn more about them below.

Microsoft Office

Did you know that your child can access Microsoft Office at home for free? As a student at Fred Longworth High School, your child is allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. Click on the button below to learn more.


Satchel:One is the school online learning platform for students and is the parental portal for all information related to your child’s overall progress within school. You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.


GCSEPod is an online study platform and is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. GCSEPod provides 3-5 minute bursts of audio-visual, teacher written learning which can help to reinforce and consolidate key GCSE topics covered in lessons. Experts read and explain everything clearly including all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and diagrams on screen. GCSEPod is only available to students in Year 10 and Year 11.

Homework Club

Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.


We want to do all we can to support your child to be in school every day and ask that you support this important message from home, encouraging your child to avoid missing curriculum content through absence.  Here is a breakdown of the absences for the following attendance percentages:

Thank you for your continued support with attendance.