Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Freddie's Focus

For Parents & Carers

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Thank you to all parents who have taken the time to complete our parent survey so far. If you have not yet had chance to complete the survey and can spare a few minutes to provide your feedback, the survey remains open until 11pm on Sunday 23rd June. Please look out for emails from school which contain the link to the survey.

It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that from September 2024, our catering offer will be provided by a new company. The new caterers are a company called Miquill and we will be working with them to update our menus and to make improvements to our canteen space and the overall dining experience of our students. The current catering staff will be transferred over to our new provider. We all look forward to working with Miquill in the new school year. 

Mrs Turner, Mrs Waring and I have all recently had the pleasure of interviewing 23 students in Year 10 for the position of Head Boy /Head Girl and Senior Prefects. We have been delighted with the standard of applications this year. All the students involved have been a credit to themselves, their families and the school. Well done to all!

And finally – after a Leavers Assembly full of laughter and a few tears as well, today we said goodbye to our Year 11. We wish them all the very best of luck for the future. You are Gold! 

Mr Davies

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Thank you to all parents who have taken the time to complete our parent survey so far. If you have not yet had chance to complete the survey and can spare a few minutes to provide your feedback, the survey remains open until 11pm on Sunday 23rd June. Please look out for emails from school which contain the link to the survey.

It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that from September 2024, our catering offer will be provided by a new company. The new caterers are a company called Miquill and we will be working with them to update our menus and to make improvements to our canteen space and the overall dining experience of our students. The current catering staff will be transferred over to our new provider. We all look forward to working with Miquill in the new school year. 

Mrs Turner, Mrs Waring and I have all recently had the pleasure of interviewing 23 students in Year 10 for the position of Head Boy /Head Girl and Senior Prefects. We have been delighted with the standard of applications this year. All the students involved have been a credit to themselves, their families and the school. Well done to all!

And finally – after a Leavers Assembly full of laughter and a few tears as well, today we said goodbye to our Year 11. We wish them all the very best of luck for the future. You are Gold! 

Mr Davies

Things to celebrate

  • This week, our Year 10 students have completed their first week of mock examinationsWe are incredibly proud of the way in which they have conducted themselves so far and encourage them to keep up the hard work next week.
  • A group of our Year 10 Spanish students went for Tapas at a Spanish restaurant as part of their studies.
  • On Tuesday, our IT department took a group of our Year 9 students to Manchester Airport for a real-life experience of how IT is used in the airportOur students’ behaviour was exemplary, and they gained a lot from their visit.
  • A group of our dancers took part in Salford Dance Explosion at the Lowry Theatre in Manchester on Tuesday nightThere were an overwhelming number of our students who took part in this incredible event. It was also lovely to see the numbers of ex-Freddie’s students performing with their dance schools.
  • On Tuesday evening, a number of our students took part in the ‘Factory’ gig in ManchesterWhat an amazing event and experience for all involved!
  • On Thursday night, a group of our Year 7 students left for the Paris tripWe look forward to hearing how they got on next week.
  • On Friday, we hosted our Year 11 leavers’ assemblyThis was an incredibly emotional day for many of our students and a beautiful send off. What was particularly lovely was the Year 10 guard of honour as they left the school site at lunchtime They now have the prom to look forward to next Friday.

Extra Curricular Activities

At FLHS we offer our students a wide variety of other extra curricular activities, including STEM club, Music, Drama, Art and many more. For further details, click here.

  • Cricket Victory

    Year 8/9 Cricket team have won their quarter final fixture against St Margaret's high school in an impressive and exciting game. The team now moves into the semi-final. Well done boys!

  • Football Success

    The Y10 football team beat a very good Hawkley HS team 2-1 in the semifinal of the wigan school's plate. The Y10 played with great attitude and showed real quality with two fantastic goals from Logan Newton and Ethan Jackson. Good luck in the final!

Sporting Success this week

  • Cricket Victory

    Year 8/9 Cricket team have won their quarter final fixture against St Margaret's high school in an impressive and exciting game. The team now moves into the semi-final. Well done boys!

  • Football Success

    The Y10 football team beat a very good Hawkley HS team 2-1 in the semifinal of the wigan school's plate. The Y10 played with great attitude and showed real quality with two fantastic goals from Logan Newton and Ethan Jackson. Good luck in the final!

School Reminders

  • Year 10 Mock Examinations

    Year 10 Mock exams will continue next week.

  • Student-led Conference

    Advance notice that on Monday 8th July, we will be holding our student-led conferences in school from 2pm for Years 7 to 10. More information to follow.

  • Year 6 'Move up'

    Next week we welcome Year 6 students into the school for their ‘Move up’ days.

  • Careers Facebook Page

    Could we please remind all parents and carers that if your child has chosen to wear the summer uniform, skirts must be worn at an appropriate length and socks much be plain black with no bows. Thank you for your support with this.

  • General Reminder

    Could we please remind all parents and carers that if your child has chosen to wear the summer uniform, skirts must be worn at an appropriate length and socks much be plain black with no bows.  Thank you for your support with this.

Did you know that you can read previous editions of Freddie’s Focus from this Academic Year? To do so, click here.

School Reminders

  • Year 10 Mock Examinations

    Year 10 Mock exams will continue next week.

  • Student-led Conference

    Advance notice that on Monday 8th July, we will be holding our student-led conferences in school from 2pm for Years 7 to 10. More information to follow.

  • Year 6 'Move up'

    Next week we welcome Year 6 students into the school for their ‘Move up’ days.

  • Careers Facebook Page

    Could we please remind all parents and carers that if your child has chosen to wear the summer uniform, skirts must be worn at an appropriate length and socks much be plain black with no bows. Thank you for your support with this.

  • General Reminder

    Could we please remind all parents and carers that if your child has chosen to wear the summer uniform, skirts must be worn at an appropriate length and socks much be plain black with no bows.  Thank you for your support with this.

Did you know that you can read previous editions of Freddie’s Focus from this Academic Year? To do so, click here.

What we do at Freddie's and why we do it

Once per fortnight, we celebrate the successes of our students through ‘Freddie’s Focus on the Stars’.  Every subject area nominates two students who have excelled. Heads of Year also choose one student from their year group who has made an excellent contribution to their year team and the wider school. There is also a Headteacher Award and a list of nominations given to Mr Davies Mr Davies shares the names of all nominees and then chooses one or two as his overall winner.

Homework and Independent Learning

The OSCAR model is used to support our students with independent learning at homeThe ’A’ stands for Area

Is the area where you are working quiet and appropriate for quality learning? Remove your phone and other potential distractions. Ensure that you have the correct equipment to hand.  

Applications that we use for learning

The following applications are used by our students during their time at FLHS to aid their learning. You can learn more about them below.

Microsoft Office

Did you know that your child can access Microsoft Office at home for free? As a student at Fred Longworth High School, your child is allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. Click on the button below to learn more.


Satchel:One is the school online learning platform for students and is the parental portal for all information related to your child’s overall progress within school. You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.


GCSEPod is an online study platform and is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. GCSEPod provides 3-5 minute bursts of audio-visual, teacher written learning which can help to reinforce and consolidate key GCSE topics covered in lessons. Experts read and explain everything clearly including all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and diagrams on screen. GCSEPod is only available to students in Year 10 and Year 11.

Homework Club

Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.


We want to do all we can to support your child to be in school every day and ask that you support this important message from home, encouraging your child to avoid missing curriculum content through absence.  Here is a breakdown of the absences for the following attendance percentages:

Thank you for your continued support with attendance.