Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 73
- January 26, 2024
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 73
- January 26, 2024
Things to celebrate
- It was lovely to see so many parents and carers attend our Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday.
- Once per fortnight we celebrate the achievements of our students in specific subjects through ‘Freddie’s Focus on the Stars’. This also includes Head of Year awards and the Headteacher award. Please check if your child received a shout out or award last week and remind them that it might be their chance to shine next time.
- It is wonderful to see so many of our students getting involved in the extra-curricular activities on offer to them. If your child is not yet involved in an extra-curricular activity, please encourage them to get involved.
- Sporting Success this week
Rugby Victory
Y9 boys Rugby team have progressed into the next round of the national cup with a 42-12 victory against Rainford High School. There were excellent performances throughout the match.
Girls Rugby Competition
Y7/8 Girl's rugby had a fantastic evening competing against other schools in a Wigan Warriors competition.
Wigan School Games
A group of Y7 students took part in a Wigan school games event participating in different activities. All the girls were brilliant and enjoyed the day.
Sporting Success this week
Rugby Victory
Y9 boys Rugby team have progressed into the next round of the national cup with a 42-12 victory against Rainford High School. There were excellent performances throughout the match.
Girls Rugby Competition
Y7/8 Girl's rugby had a fantastic evening competing against other schools in a Wigan Warriors competition.
Wigan School Games
A group of Y7 students took part in a Wigan school games event participating in different activities. All the girls were brilliant and enjoyed the day.
School Reminders
Year 10 GCSE Event
On Thursday 8th February, we will be hosting our ‘Journey to GCSE’ event for parents and carers of all Year 10 students from 6.15pm. This event aims to provide information and advice for parents and carers regarding supporting your child through GCSEs. A letter has been emailed out, and we ask that parents/guardians click on the link to confirm their attendance at this important event.
Good Manners
This term, we are going to have a huge focus on good manners – encouraging our young people to be the best version of themselves that they can, responding with respect and kindness.
General Reminder
Could we please ask for your support in ensuring that trainers are not worn for school other than in PE lessons (or if your child has a medical reason and you have provided us with that information).
School Reminders
Year 10 GCSE Event
On Thursday 8th February, we will be hosting our ‘Journey to GCSE’ event for parents and carers of all Year 10 students from 6.15pm. This event aims to provide information and advice for parents and carers regarding supporting your child through GCSEs. A letter has been emailed out, and we ask that parents/guardians click on the link to confirm their attendance at this important event.
Good Manners
This term, we are going to have a huge focus on good manners – encouraging our young people to be the best version of themselves that they can, responding with respect and kindness.
General Reminder
Could we please ask for your support in ensuring that trainers are not worn for school other than in PE lessons (or if your child has a medical reason and you have provided us with that information).
How we learn
Parents and carers can support their children at home to retrieve material learned in class so that it has more chance of sticking. Encouraging children to create their own mini quizzes based on their learning is a great way of doing this. Even better if you then become the quiz master and test them on the questions that they have created.
The video below shows a short clip which explains how learning happens.
Homework and Self-directed study
Below are some of our study skills strategies which we encourage students to use as a method of helping them to retain information in the long-term memory. Actively doing something with the information that they have been taught is a really useful way of learning and remembering:

Microsoft Office
Did you know that your child can access Microsoft Office at home for free? As a student at Fred Longworth High School, your child is allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. Click on the button below to learn more.

You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.

Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
We want to do all we can to support your child to be in school every day and ask that you support this important message from home, encouraging your child to avoid missing curriculum content through absence. Here is a breakdown of the absences for the following attendance percentages:

Thank you for your continued support with attendance.
Message from the Headteacher

Can I also take this opportunity to remind parents about our expectations around uniform. Please keep in mind our policies on uniform, haircuts, jewellery and make up. Remember false eyelashes, false nails and fake tan are not allowed in school. Trainers are not part of school uniform and Hoodies should also not be worn as an alternative to a coat. Our full uniform policy can be accessed below.
Thank-you for your continued support.