Booking your appointments

How to book your appointments using SchoolCloud.

Booking your appointments

How to book your appointments using SchoolCloud.

Booking your appointments

How to book your appointments using SchoolCloud.

SchoolCloud is used by our school to book and manage parents’ evening, KS4 options and progress review appointments. 

When these events are scheduled to take place, appointment slots will be made available to talk to your child’s teachers and you will be invited to make booking reservations with a time suitable for you.

Sometimes these events will be held either completely online on SchoolCloud, or by visiting the school in person.

Depending on the event,  select the option below which is suitable for you.

Guidance on how to book and attend an online only appointment

Guidance on how to book an appointment online and attend your appointment in-person

Guidance on how to book and attend an online only appointment

Guidance on how to book an appointment online and attend your appointment in-person