Understanding What's On Offer
The ‘Post-16 Options’ page contains more detailed information about the options available upon leaving school. We encourage you to use this as a starting point to begin discussions with your child and to encourage them to do some further research into their preferred options. The careersadviceforparents.org website also contains useful information about the labour market, which can indicate current trends in employment and help in making decisions about the future.
When considering the range of options available, it’s important to remember that today’s provision is very different from that of the past, so try to view each option with an open mind! Many new ‘non-traditional’ options are increasingly popular and can be a great way to access a very competitive jobs market.
In 2015 the Government scheme ‘Raising the Participation Age’ made changes to ensure that young people remain in education until the age of 18. This does not mean that students have to go onto college, but they do have to continue some form of education or training which could be through a work-based learning programme such as an apprenticeship. In addition, students who do not achieve grade C or above in English and Maths, will be expected to re-take these subjects or study other types of english and maths qualifications.