Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 19
- September 9, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 19
- September 9, 2022
Things to celebrate
Congratulations to our former Year 11 students following their fantastic set of results. We are very proud of their achievements.
It has been wonderful to welcome back all of our students and to meet our new Year 7 students. We have been very impressed by standards of uniform and the excellent behaviour of so many of our students.
Over the Summer holidays, we were delighted to celebrate the sporting success of two of our former students: Ella Toone and Keely Hodgkinson. We hope that their resilience and determination will be an inspiration to all of our students and encourage everyone to get involved in the extra-curricular opportunities on offer here at Freddie’s.
We are pleased that so many students have taken letters in order to represent Freddie’s at our upcoming Open Evening. If your child is yet to volunteer, they are welcome to collect a letter and join the team. All years welcome.
School Reminders
Year 6 Taster days
Our Year 6 Taster days will commence next week.
Open Evening
Open Evening will take place on Thursday 22nd September at 4.30pm.
Start of Term Letter
A link to a letter from the Headteacher addressed to parents and carers has been sent today via inTouch. If you have not received a link click on the link 'Start of Term Letter' to read.
General Reminder
Please could we ask all parents and guardians for their support in ensuring that students do not come into school with fake tan, false nails, false eye lashes or extreme hairstyles and colours. For further information, please see the link below to our school uniform poilcy.
School Reminders
Year 6 Taster days
Our Year 6 Taster days will commence next week.
Open Evening
Open Evening will take place on Thursday 22nd September at 4.30pm.
Start of Term Letter
A link to a letter from the Headteacher addressed to parents and carers has been sent today via inTouch. If you have not received a link click on the link 'Start of Term Letter' to read.
General Reminder
Please could we ask all parents and guardians for their support in ensuring that students do not come into school with fake tan, false nails, false eye lashes or extreme hairstyles and colours. For further information, please see the link below to our school uniform poilcy.
Homework and Self-directed study
Here at Freddie’s, we focus on six types of homework to help our students broaden, consolidate and extend their learning. Please see our website for our homework policy which outlines these six strategies – see link provided below.
Monitor your child's progress
You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One

Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
Personal Development
This year we will continue to focus on developing our students’ character as part of our overall work on Personal Development. These are the key aspects of character that we want to work on and they are closely linked to our BEST values – which hopefully all our students know about by now!
In each FF for parents and guardians, these areas will be explored in more depth. Assemblies and lessons will take place in the future to develop these areas furthe

Personal Development

This year we will continue to focus on developing our students’ character as part of our overall work on Personal Development. These are the key aspects of character that we want to work on and they are closely linked to our BEST values – which hopefully all our students know about by now!
In each FF for parents and guardians, these areas will be explored in more depth. Assemblies and lessons will take place in the future to develop these areas furthe
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a very positive week in school and it has been a pleasure to welcome all the students back for the start of the new term; they have made an excellent start. In our assemblies, the students have been reminded about the need to maintain a positive attitude to learning and about the strong traditions of our school. We have reminded our students about local man, Fred Longworth who wanted the very best for young people in our community. This continues to be our aim. We hope all our students strive to be their best and make the most of all the opportunities that come their way during this academic year.
Please click here for my start of term letter which contains important information for the start of term.
Of course, it is also with a sense of contemplation that I write this message following the announcement of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. We will be marking this occasion and paying our respects in school over the course of the next few days.
Mr Davies.