Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 28
- November 18, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 28
- November 18, 2022
Things to celebrate
- On Sunday, a number of our students represented the school at the Tyldesley remembrance parade. It was a wonderful community event and it was lovely to see so many students taking part and watching the parade.
- We had an excellent attendance to our Progress Review event and would like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support.
- On Tuesday night a group of our students went to watch a performance of ‘Othello’ at the Lowry Theatre. A great night was had by all and the behaviour of the students involved was exemplary.
- We would like thank the parents and carers who attended our ‘Parent and Carer’ forum night on Thursday night. We value your feedback and support.
School Reminders
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 Mock exams will commence Monday 28th November. Further information, along with resources and examination support, is now available on our website in the ‘Year 11 Examination Support’ page under the parent and student information section.
School Apps
We have now added a page on our website under ‘Parents’ which outlines all of our school apps and how to access them. For further information please use the link below.
General Reminder
Can we please remind all parents and carers mobile phones are not permitted in school. They should be switched off and out of sight from the moment that students enter the school gates. We would be grateful for your support in reminding your child of this.
School Reminders
Year 11 Mock Exams
Year 11 Mock exams will commence Monday 28th November. Further information, along with resources and examination support, is now available on our website in the ‘Year 11 Examination Support’ page under the parent and student information section.
School Apps
We have now added a page on our website under ‘Parents’ which outlines all of our school apps and how to access them. For further information please use the link below.
General Reminder
Can we please remind all parents and carers mobile phones are not permitted in school. They should be switched off and out of sight from the moment that students enter the school gates. We would be grateful for your support in reminding your child of this.
Homework and Self-directed study
This week, we would like to share another of our homework strands: ‘Practise it’. Repeatedly practising something eventually helps students to remember and master something to an excellent standard.
Practise tasks may involve the following:
- Practise of skills
- Rehearsal of lines
- Practice of dance moves
- Music practice for performance pieces
- Use of platforms such as ‘My Maths’
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
Personal Development
The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Courageous. Having courage can be difficult as it is also linked to confidence and resilience; however students who show courage in themselves and in certain situations are more likely to be successful. Further information on being courageous is found below:

Personal Development

The next character trait that we will be focusing on is being Courageous. Having courage can be difficult as it is also linked to confidence and resilience; however students who show courage in themselves and in certain situations are more likely to be successful. Further information on being courageous is found below:
Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have all had the opportunity to read the OFSTED report that was published earlier this week. If you have not yet had the opportunity to do so, here is the link.
We are delighted with the outcome of the inspection. We feel the report captures the many strengths of our school.
Mr Davies.