Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 104
- November 22, 2024
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 104
- November 22, 2024
Message from the Headteacher
Dear Parents & Carers,
Another interesting week in school – we were transported back to the 1980s on Thursday. Students in Year 7 and Year 8 were involved in the Code Show and were treated to a look at computing through the ages. For us staff old enough to remember – a fully working BBC computer (one per school back in the day!), an AMSTRAD CPC 464, a Commodore 64 and a Sinclair C5 were all on display. As well as bringing back memories, this provided a valuable experience for students on how integral IT has become in day-to-day life.
Whilst IT is so integral and valuable to us now, on a serious note, Mrs Waring has also conducted assemblies this week to help students think about how they manage their mobile phones and usage. This issue is becoming increasingly high profile now as more and more evidence is coming to light about the negative impact on young people of social media and excessive use of mobiles. This is something we all have to be guarded over. It is one of the key reasons why in school we do not allow mobile phones. I have attached a copy of Mrs Waring’s Assembly to this message. There is useful information within this for parents as well.
Thank-you for your continued support.
Mr Davies.
Message from the Headteacher
Dear Parents & Carers,
Another interesting week in school – we were transported back to the 1980s on Thursday. Students in Year 7 and Year 8 were involved in the Code Show and were treated to a look at computing through the ages. For us staff old enough to remember – a fully working BBC computer (one per school back in the day!), an AMSTRAD CPC 464, a Commodore 64 and a Sinclair C5 were all on display. As well as bringing back memories, this provided a valuable experience for students on how integral IT has become in day-to-day life.
Whilst IT is so integral and valuable to us now, on a serious note, Mrs Waring has also conducted assemblies this week to help students think about how they manage their mobile phones and usage. This issue is becoming increasingly high profile now as more and more evidence is coming to light about the negative impact on young people of social media and excessive use of mobiles. This is something we all have to be guarded over. It is one of the key reasons why in school we do not allow mobile phones. I have attached a copy of Mrs Waring’s Assembly to this message. There is useful information within this for parents as well.
Thank-you for your continued support.
Mr Davies.
Things to celebrate
- On Thursday, we had a Computing Roadshow, which celebrated the home computing boom of the 70s, 80s and 90s. A great experience for Year 7 and 8.
- ‘Speak Up’ students continue to make progress as they prepared their back drops for their puppet creations.
- Sporting Success this week
Karate Silver Medal
Congratulations to Eva Hughes from 8BN who recently took part in the Welsh Open Karate competition. Eva is a black belt and managed to achieve a silver medal in her kata and bronze in fighting kumite.
KS4 Badminton
The KS4 boys' badminton team put in a solid performance on Tuesday night at the Wigan Schools Badminton competition. We took 12 boys, with two teams finishing runners up in their respective leagues.
Table Tennis
It was great to see 8 local primary schools attend the ATSA table tennis taster session on Monday night. Mr Gregory was really impressed with the standard of play on display and would like to thank everyone involved.
We are always excited to learn of any sporting successes outside of school so we can celebrate the student’s achievements. Please can parents email Mr Gregory with any information so we can share with everyone on Freddie’s Focus –
Sporting Success this week
Karate Silver Medal
Congratulations to Eva Hughes from 8BN who recently took part in the Welsh Open Karate competition. Eva is a black belt and managed to achieve a silver medal in her kata and bronze in fighting kumite.
KS4 Badminton
The KS4 boys' badminton team put in a solid performance on Tuesday night at the Wigan Schools Badminton competition. We took 12 boys, with two teams finishing runners up in their respective leagues.
Table Tennis
It was great to see 8 local primary schools attend the ATSA table tennis taster session on Monday night. Mr Gregory was really impressed with the standard of play on display and would like to thank everyone involved.
We are always excited to learn of any sporting successes outside of school so we can celebrate the student’s achievements. Please can parents email Mr Gregory with any information so we can share with everyone on Freddie’s Focus –
Extra-Curricular Activities
The Arts faculty extra-curricular timetables are now available. All students are welcome to attend the sessions, and we look forward to seeing you.
At Freddie’s we offer our students a wide range of other extra-curricular activities, including STEM club, Physical Education and many more. For further details, click here.
School Reminders
School Closure
Advanced notice that school will be closed to all students on Friday 29th November for staff training.
Year 11 Mock Examinations
Year 11 mock exams will begin week commencing 2nd December and will run for two weeks.
The Wiz
Tickets for our school show ‘The Wiz’ which will take place from 5th to 7th February are now on sale.
General Reminder
Can we please ask for your support in ensuring that your child brings a suitable bag to school to ensure that their equipment and learning resources are safely stored.
Did you know that you can read previous editions of Freddie’s Focus from this Academic Year? To do so, click here.
School Reminders
School Closure
Advanced notice that school will be closed to all students on Friday 29th November for staff training.
Year 11 Mock Examinations
Year 11 mock exams will begin week commencing 2nd December and will run for two weeks.
The Wiz
Tickets for our school show ‘The Wiz’ which will take place from 5th to 7th February are now on sale.
General Reminder
Can we please ask for your support in ensuring that your child brings a suitable bag to school to ensure that their equipment and learning resources are safely stored.
Did you know that you can read previous editions of Freddie’s Focus from this Academic Year? To do so, click here.
What we do at Freddie's and why we do it
At Freddie’s we want our students to develop as excellent learners who ultimately achieve the very best from their time at school.
Below are the FLHS BEST Standards.
We want there to be no learning time lost!
These standards are displayed in all classrooms and referred to as a constant reminder of the positive learning habits that we want all students to display:
‘Habits accelerate learning’
Year 7 to Year 10
100 HoY Mug/Earphones/Water Bottle/Skip the queue pass
175 JWY Power Bank/Skip the queue pass/Calculator/£5 Amazon voucher
250 JWY £10 Amazon voucher/Skip the queue pass
350 PDA £15 Amazon voucher/Skip the queue pass
Year 11
100 HoY £5 Amazon voucher/£5 off Prom
150 JWY £10 Amazon voucher/£10 off Prom
200 PDA £15 Amazon voucher/£15 off Prom
On the run up to the Musical ‘The Wiz’, students with 250 rewards (150 Y11) may opt for a free ticket to see the musical when they see Mr Whalley.
Homework and Independent Learning
At Freddie’s, there are six types of homework set in order to embed key knowledge and ensure that your child is equipped with independent learning skills. Below are the types of homework that we set:
Applications that we use for learning
The following applications are used by our students during their time at FLHS to aid their learning. You can learn more about them below.
Microsoft Office
Did you know that your child can access Microsoft Office at home for free? As a student at Fred Longworth High School, your child is allowed to download a fully working free copy of Microsoft Office 365 to use on their computer, smartphone and tablet whilst they are a student at our school. Click on the button below to learn more.
Satchel:One is the school online learning platform for students and is the parental portal for all information related to your child’s overall progress within school. You can keep track of your child’s homework using Satchel:One. It is advisable to remind your child to get into the habit of checking their homework on Satchel:One regularly. Relying upon notifications is not the right approach and we advise students to turn off notifications so that they are not disturbed by them.
GCSEPod is an online study platform and is the perfect resource to help your child learn, retain and recall all the information they need to achieve their GCSE goals. GCSEPod provides 3-5 minute bursts of audio-visual, teacher written learning which can help to reinforce and consolidate key GCSE topics covered in lessons. Experts read and explain everything clearly including all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and diagrams on screen. GCSEPod is only available to students in Year 10 and Year 11.
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday in the Library (apart from Monday week B) where support and IT equipment is is available.
We want to do all we can to support your child to be in school every day and ask that you support this important message from home, encouraging your child to avoid missing curriculum content through absence. Here is a breakdown of the absences for the following attendance percentages:
Thank you for your continued support with attendance.
Belonging, Engaging, Succeeding Together.
Can we please remind all our parents and carers to use the correct channels of communication should they wish to raise a concern or question. You continued support is invaluable to us.
Belonging, Engaging, Succeeding Together.
Can we please remind all our parents and carers to use the correct channels of communication should they wish to raise a concern or question. You continued support is invaluable to us.