Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 15
- June 24, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 15
- June 24, 2022
Things to celebrate
- This week, we have welcomed our Year 6 students who will be joining us in Year 7 in September. They have made a great first impression and we look forward to welcoming them in the new academic year. We are also very proud of our Year 10 students for their help in guiding the Year 7 forms this week.
- Some of our GCSE graphics students have been working on a mural which will displayed on Elliott Street as part of the high street rejuvenation project. We are incredibly proud of their work which is based on designs created from their studies of Tyldesley’s architecture and heritage.
- Our Year 8 Football team won their match against Bedford this week with a score of 7-5. Well done to all!
School Reminders
Y6 Intake Parents' Evening
We look forward to welcoming the Y6 parents and carers to school on Thursday 30th June at 6:30pm for our new intake parents’ evening.
Summer Uniform
As you are aware, we have introduced our summer uniform this week. We would like to remind you that girls will be allowed to wear plain black knee length socks (no bows) instead of tights. They will, of course, be able to continue to wear tights if they prefer, and trousers are still available as an option (as they have always been). We will return to our normal uniform rules in September. Any girls who roll up their skirts to shorten the length will be told to return to wearing tights or trousers. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.
School Access
Due to the current building work, we ask parents not to drive down Printshop Lane with the only exception being those who need to drop off or pick up disabled students or those with medical needs.
Staff Training Day
Friday 1st July will be a staff training day therefore school will be closed for all students on that day.
General Reminder
We would like to remind all parents and carers of our mobile phone policy. Mobile phones must remain switched off during school hours. This includes break and lunchtimes. Mobile phones are not allowed to be seen or heard on site – this is defined as ‘inside the school gates’. Any student seen using their mobile phone during school hours will have their phone confiscated. Phones must not be seen or heard. Your support is key and appreciated.
School Reminders
Y6 Intake Parents' Evening
We look forward to welcoming the Y6 parents and carers to school on Thursday 30th June at 6:30pm for our new intake parents’ evening.
Summer Uniform
As you are aware, we have introduced our summer uniform this week. We would like to remind you that girls will be allowed to wear plain black knee length socks (no bows) instead of tights. They will, of course, be able to continue to wear tights if they prefer, and trousers are still available as an option (as they have always been). We will return to our normal uniform rules in September. Any girls who roll up their skirts to shorten the length will be told to return to wearing tights or trousers. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.
School Access
Due to the current building work, we ask parents not to drive down Printshop Lane with the only exception being those who need to drop off or pick up disabled students or those with medical needs.
Staff Training Day
Friday 1st July will be a staff training day therefore school will be closed for all students on that day.
General Reminder
We would like to remind all parents and carers of our mobile phone policy. Mobile phones must remain switched off during school hours. This includes break and lunchtimes. Mobile phones are not allowed to be seen or heard on site – this is defined as ‘inside the school gates’. Any student seen using their mobile phone during school hours will have their phone confiscated. Phones must not be seen or heard. Your support is key and appreciated.
Homework and Self-directed study
Proofreading at Freddie’s:
We have introduced proofreading support for students this half term to support them in reviewing and editing their written work before handing it in to their teacher. We want students to be identifying and correcting any mistakes, and ask parents and carers prompt their child to check homework before they submit.
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday where they can complete work in a quiet environment with staff on hand to support them.
Personal Development
Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Empathy. If students have empathy, they will help and understand each other better, and learn to live in a rich and diverse community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘having empathy’ is included below.
Please click on the button below for key information on empathy and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Personal Development

Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on Empathy. If students have empathy, they will help and understand each other better, and learn to live in a rich and diverse community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here. Key information on ‘having empathy’ is included below.
Please click on the button below for key information on empathy and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.
Message from the Headteacher

As a school, we are always grateful for any feedback we receive from parents. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the following OFSTED survey about the school. Please find attached a link to the survey.
Thank you
Mr Davies.