General information

  • Each child on the SEND register has an ‘All about me’ which is their voice about their strengths, areas for development and important information that they would like to share with their teachers. Some children who need further support in the classroom may also have a ‘Learning Plan’ which is created by the Inclusion Team to share with the student’s teachers. This has information about their SEND, information on exam access arrangements and strategies to support this student.
  • High-quality teaching is our first step in responding to students who have SEND.
  • In line with the recommendations made by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), teachers have developed a repertoire of these strategies they can use flexibly in response to individual needs and use them as the starting point for classroom teaching for all students, including those with SEND.

Intervention Programmes

We also provide the following interventions for students:

Intervention Name Objective
Sounds Write Sounds-Write is a quality first phonics programme. Its purpose is to provide classroom professionals with a comprehensive system with which to teach reading, spelling and writing.
Reading Between The Lines This is used to develop inferencing skills.
Talking partners Is a structured, time limited (10 weeks) oral language programme and can be used as part of an integrated approach to raise levels of achievement by improving student’s speaking and listening skills.
Precision Teaching Precision Teaching is a method of planning a teaching programme to meet the needs of an individual child or young person who is experiencing difficulty with acquiring or maintaining some skills. It has an inbuilt monitoring function and is basically a means of evaluating the effectiveness of what is being taught.
Maths Intervention Bespoke individual intervention to help close the gaps in a student’s understanding in maths.
Maths Recovery Maths Recovery is a programme which emphasises ongoing assessment, careful observation, gauging student's current knowledge and strategies, and building on them to increase the student's knowledge, ability and self-confidence in mathematics.
Nurture Group Nurture groups are focused on developing children with particular social, emotional, behavioural and attendance difficulties which can create barriers to learning. Nurture allows the building of relationships and development of self-esteem and confidence.
Social, emotional, mental health intervention  Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, wellbeing, coping with anxiety, healthy relationships and responsible decision making, and resilience. This includes the BEST programme (anger / stress management, managing anxiety, organisation, relaxation techniques). 1:1 counselling, 1:1 mental health support and mentoring. Support for young carers.
Support during unstructured times in the Inclusion Centre A calm and quiet environment to support building relationships and friendships.