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How many times can Office be installed?

Your child can install Office but they are limited on how many devices they are signed in on.
For Office to work it must be activated with an Office 365 account. Your child’s school email account is an Office 365 account which allows Office to be activated on 5 devices at any one time. These devices can include both computers and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) but cannot exceed the maximum number of activations.
For example, your child might have a tablet and a computer with Office activated on both.
In this scenario your child will be able to install and activate Office on a further 3 devices before they have reached their maximum number of 5 devices that they have activated Office on using their allocation.
If your child has used up all of their five activations when they attempt to register Office using their school account they will by told that they cannot sign in with their account to activate. If this occurs your child will need to sign out of Office on a device they no longer need to be signed in on before they can continue to activate Office. For further information on how to sign out of Microsoft Office to free up an activation, click here.
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