Year 9 Options Process 2023

To download a copy of this letter, click here

Dear Parent/Carer,

I write to inform you of the option selection process this year. As you are most likely aware, students in Year 9 select some subjects that they wish to gain a greater knowledge of in Key Stage 4. Subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science are compulsory, but students can look to further their understanding on a range of other subjects.

At Key Stage 4, we place students in academic curriculum routes to give each one of them the best possible chance of reaching, or exceeding, their potential, following extensive consultation and consideration of a wide range of information, including attainment and current progress. Teaching staff from English, Maths, Science, and your child’s Head of Year are also involved in the process.

On Monday13th February 2023, your child will bring home a letter stating which curriculum route they will follow at Key Stage 4, along with a booklet outlining the choice of courses on offer and an option selection form. For most students, there will be little change to their current academic groupings. The process of choosing subjects has already begun, with students being actively encouraged to discuss their choices with parents and with teachers. The final stage of this process is the guidance interview with a senior member of staff, which parents will also attend, before final decisions around subjects are made.

The key dates within the subject selection process are as follows:

Week beginning Monday 30th January 2023 – Year 9 Subject Information Assemblies.

We recognise that the decisions that you and your child will need to make over the next few weeks are vital to their future success, so we recommend that you should speak to your child’s teachers about potential subject choices, considering their ambitions and current progress.

Thursday 2nd February 2023 – Year 9 Parents’ Evening:

By appointment, there is an opportunity to attend an interview with a nominated senior member of staff to discuss your child’s subject choices. These interviews can be booked either on-line on the Wednesday or in person on Thursday. All bookings for these days can be made on-line.

Friday 3rd March 2023: Final deadline for the return of your child’s subject choices to Mr Thomson.

Please note that it may not be possible to meet all first choices. In these cases, we will always endeavour to place students on courses where they will be able to achieve success, and this will always be done in consultation with your child.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Thomson                                                  

Assistant Headteacher