Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 12
- May 27, 2022
Freddie's Focus
For Parents & Carers
- Issue 12
- May 27, 2022
Things to celebrate
This week, we shared our ‘Freddie’s Focus on the Stars’ winners during form time. Please ask your child if they were one of the lucky winners this time. Your child may have been recognised for their efforts and achievements in a particular subject area, or nominated for our Headteacher Award for their contribution to the wider school community.
- A number of our students have received BEST Awards from their Form Tutors this week. Three times a year BEST Awards are given to four students from every Form. The awards are given to students who have demonstrated great strength of character. This may include demonstrating kindness, courage, commitment or resilience. Our character development BEST values can be seen here.
School Reminders
School Access
Due to the current building work, we ask parents not to drive down Printshop Lane with the only exception being those who need to drop off or pick up disabled students or those with medical needs.
Half Term
School is now closed for May half term and will re-open Monday 6th June
Pre-Exam Revision
We would like to remind all parents and carers of our Y11 students that there is a pre-exam revision timetable which can be seen on our website. Click on the icon to the left for more information.
General Reminder
Please support us on return to school after the half term by ensuring that your child does not come back to school with fake tan, false nails, false eyelashes, extreme hair colours or piercings. We would like to start the term positively without having to challenge any of our students for failure to uphold school expectations. Your support is key and appreciated.
For further details on our uniform policy, click here.
For more information on school events and term dates, click here.
School Reminders
School Access
Due to the current building work, we ask parents not to drive down Printshop Lane with the only exception being those who need to drop off or pick up disabled students or those with medical needs.
Half Term
School is now closed for May half term and will re-open Monday 6th June
Pre-Exam Revision
We would like to remind all parents and carers of our Y11 students that there is a pre-exam revision timetable which can be seen on our website. Click on the icon to the left for more information.
General Reminder
Please support us on return to school after the half term by ensuring that your child does not come back to school with fake tan, false nails, false eyelashes, extreme hair colours or piercings. We would like to start the term positively without having to challenge any of our students for failure to uphold school expectations. Your support is key and appreciated.
For further details on our uniform policy, click here.
For more information on school events and term dates, click here.
Homework and Self-directed study
How homework will be set:
Teachers will set homework through ‘Satchel One’. Students will be able to check their homework and deadlines by going into ‘Satchel One’. Parents will receive notification when homework is set via the ‘Satchel One’ app. Please remind your child to check their Satchel!
Homework Club
Please remind your child that homework club is available to all students Monday-Thursday where they can complete work in a quiet environment with staff on hand to support them.
Personal Development
Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on being tolerant. If students are tolerant of others, they will accept other students’ differences, develop a healthy respect for one another and learn to live in a rich and diverse community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here.
Please access this link for key information on being tolerant and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Personal Development
Over the next few weeks as part of our work on developing character we will be focusing on being tolerant. If students are tolerant of others, they will accept other students’ differences, develop a healthy respect for one another and learn to live in a rich and diverse community. We also want all students to feel that this is their school and they belong here.
Please access this link for key information on being tolerant and tips for developing this aspect of your child’s character.

Message from the Headteacher

I’d like to thank all parents for their continued support during this half-term. I hope that all of our families get to enjoy the Jubilee weekend and that the weather is kind.
Mr Davies.