Teachers normally complete three interim reports per year at KS3. In each interim report teachers will always record two grades: a grade for Attitude to Learning and a grade for Behaviour. They may also report a grade for Aptitude in Subject or a Learning Profile, both of which are explained below.

Attitude to Learning and behaviour

  • An excellent attitude to learning means students are fully engaged with their learning, constantly strive to improve and take full responsibility for classwork and homework. In developing these learning behaviours, students become more resilient and have a greater chance of being successful.
  • This can only be done effectively if it is an integral part of our teaching, as well as our day-to-day interactions with students.
  • The attitude to learning grade captures a student’s attitude towards both classwork and homework.

The descriptors below explain what an excellent attitude to learning means:

Attitude to Learning Descriptor:

In this lesson you have …

  • been well equipped, ready to learn and you have made the best use of your learning time;
  • made strides towards improving your work.
  • taken full responsibility for your learning both inside and/or outside of school (including homework).
  • taken pride in your work.
  • been a positive role model for your peers.
  • listened and contributed positively throughout the lesson.
  • completed work to the very best of your ability.

shown resilience and independence.

Behaviour Descriptor:

In this lesson you have behaved in an exemplary manner.

  • you followed all instructions and took control of your own learning.
  • you were given no warnings.
  • you avoided all distractions.
  • you have done your best to support the learning of others.
  • You exhibited excellent manners.
Attitude to Learning Descriptor:
In this lesson you have …
  • been equipped, ready to learn and you have made good use of your learning time;
  • made some strides towards improving your work.
  • taken some responsibility for your learning both inside and/or outside of school (including homework).
  • taken pride in your work.
  • been a positive role model for your peers.
  • listened and contributed positively to the lesson.
  • completed work to the best of your ability.

shown resilience and independence.

Behaviour Descriptor:
In this lesson you have behaved in an appropriate manner.
  • you followed all instructions.
  • you were given no warnings.
  • you avoided all distractions.
  • You exhibited excellent manners.

Attitude to Learning Descriptor:

In this lesson you may not have …

  • been fully equipped, ready to learn and you haven’t made the best use of your learning time;
  • made enough effort to improve your work.
  • taken responsibility for your learning both inside and/or outside of school (including homework).
  • always taken pride in your work.
  • always been a positive role model for your peers inside and outside of lessons.
  • always listened and contributed positively.
  • completed work to the best of your ability and have given up too easily.

you have not shown enough resilience and independence YET.

Behaviour Descriptor:

In this lesson your behaviour has required improvement. It might be that…

  • you had to be reminded to stay on task;
  • you received a warning.
  • you did not avoid all distractions.
  • you did not always exhibit excellent manners.
  • you did not always exhibit excellent manners.
Attitude to Learning Descriptor:

In this lesson you may not have …

  • been fully equipped, ready to learn and you haven’t made the best use of your learning time;
  • made any effort to improve your work.
  • taken responsibility for your learning both inside and/or outside of school (including homework).
  • taken pride in your work.
  • been a positive role model for your peers inside and outside of lessons.
  • listened and contributed positively.
  • completed work to the best of your ability and have given up too easily.

you have shown little or no resilience and independence.

Behaviour Descriptor:

In this lesson your behaviour has not been acceptable and has disrupted your own learning or the learning of others.

Learning Profile

  • At least once a year at Key Stage 3, subjects will use summative assessment data to report a ‘Learning Profile’ for each student in their subject.
  • This profile is reported as a percentage, with the cohort average (Or class average in the case of mathematics), and a statistical comparison of how the percentage score compares to the average. This is calculated using standard deviation.
  • The categories for the Learning Profile are:

Extending means your child’s knowledge, understanding and application of the curriculum is significantly above the set/year group average.

Secure means your child’s knowledge, understanding and application of the curriculum is in line with the set/year group average.

Developing means your child’s knowledge, understanding and application of the curriculum is not yet in line with the set/year group average.


  • Subject Aptitude: an overview, in the teachers’ professional judgment, of how well each student has learned the taught curriculum in the subject so far this year. Teachers have used all available assessment information to inform their judgement of how well each student has learned the new knowledge and skills that have been delivered/taught in lessons in this reporting period.
  • This is reported to parents in year 10, at the second reporting point, to give an insight into student progress before enough of the curriculum has been covered to allow for broad domain summative assessments.

Target setting

  • GCSE/BTEC target grades are only shared with students at the end of year 10.
  • To create the ‘Aspirational Target Grade’ for each student we use the estimates generated by Fischer Family Trust (FFT).
  • The FFT estimates use prior attainment at KS2 (SATs), gender and birth month to predict the potential attainment of each student, based on national comparisons.
  • No student will have an ‘Aspirational Target Grade’ below a grade 4, or its equivalent.

References and further reading

  • Embebbed Formative assessment’ Dylan William, solution tree press, 2011
  • The research ED guide to Assessment’ Donarski and Bennet, John Catt Educational, 2020.
  • A Marked Improvement’ Elliot, Baird and Hopfenbeck et.al EEF and Oxford Univeristy, April 2016.
  • Teacher feedback to improve pupil learning – guidance report’ Collin and Quigley, EEF 2021.
  • ‘The Four Pillars of Great Assessment’, Evidence Based Education.
  • How learning happens’ Kirschner and Hendrick. Routledge, 2020